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可能在平常登陆 asr9000 的时候遇到这样的问题,telnet/ssh 等都无法登陆到设备,或者说主引擎的 console 没任何输出,无法查看设备的信息,这个时候除了重启引擎外,还有一个方法就是通过 AUX 接口登陆到设备,然后收集信息,本问介绍一下有哪些常见的 aux 模式下的命令。

alt text

如何进入 AUX 模式

如上图所示,引擎前面板上是有一个 console 和一个 aux 接口的,我们可以通过将 console 线切换到 aux 接口上,连接设备,除此之外还有一种方式:


*** Initiate debug session ***

Username: cisco

常见的 kshell CLI

show 相关

show version                                         show_version
show redundancy                                      redcon_show
show platform                                        show_platform
show install active summary                          instcmd show install active summary
show logging                                         show_logging
show process blocked                                 show_processes -b
show process tacacsd location all                    sysmgr_show -o -p tacacsd –n all (similary for any other process)
show tacacs trace                                    tacacs_show_ltrace   ( similarly for for other processes )

Process 相关

Follow process <tacacsd pid>                                          attach_process -p <pid> -A -i 2 –S
generate a coredump :
dumpcore running tacacsd                                              dumper_gen -o running -p tacacsd
restart blocked process :
process restart tacacsd location all                                  sysmgr_control -r tacacsd –n all

如何获取更多的 kshell 命令

除了上面描述常见的 show 命令外,往往我们还需要其它的诊断信息,下面介绍一种方法去获取更多的 kshell 命令:(descripe)我们可以先登陆一台工作正常的机器使用 describe +cli 生成 kshell 命令,如下所示:

** RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR9006-L#describe show controllers np counters all location 0/0/CPU0 **
The command is defined in prm_server.parser

Node 0/RSP0/CPU0 has file prm_server.parser for boot package /disk0/asr9k-os-mbi-6.3.3/0x100305/mbiasr9k-rsp3.vm from asr9k-fwding
        asr9k-fwding V6.3.3[Default]  asr9k fwding package
        Vendor : Cisco Systems
        Desc   : asr9k fwding package
        Build  : Built on Tue Aug 28 21:53:30 UTC 2018
        Source : By iox-lnx-009 in /auto/srcarchive16/prod/6.3.3/asr9k-px/ws for pie
        Card(s): RP, CRS-RP-X86, CRS8-RP-x86, CRS16-RP-x86, ASR9K-RP2-x86, ASR9001-RP, ASR9K-RSP4L-x86, NP40-40x1GE, NP40-4x10GE, NP40-8x10GE, NP40-2_20_COMBO, NP80-8x10GE, NP80-16x10GE, NP200-24x10GE, NP200-36x10GE, NP200-2x100GE, NP200-1x100GE, NP200-5x40GE, NP200-MOD-SMEM, NP200-MOD-LMEM, NP200-WILDCHILD, ASR9001-LC, A9K-SIP-700, A9K-SIP-500, A9K-SIP-AVSM, A9K-TOMAHAWK, A9K-FORGE
        Restart information:
            parallel (by default) impacted processes restart
        Size Compressed/Uncompressed: 71MB/289MB (24%)

    asr9k-prm.x86e V[r63x/105]  The Primitive Resource Managers provide an interface to the network processor(s) and TCAM(s) of the ASR9K line card. This level of software additionally brings in and initializes/configures the third party NP/TCAM device drivers.

        Card(s)              : CRS-RP-X86, CRS8-RP-x86, CRS16-RP-x86, ASR9K-RP2-x86, ASR9K-RSP4L-x86
        File type            : Default
        Remotely-hosted      : No
        Local view           : /pkg/parser/prm_server.parser
        Local install path   : /disk0/asr9k-fwding-6.3.3/0x100305/parser/prm_server.parser  (Compressed)
        Central install path : /disk0/asr9k-fwding-6.3.3/0x100305/parser/prm_server.parser  (Compressed)
        Uncompressed size    : 187KB
        Compressed size      : 63KB
        Uncompressed MD5     : 95bcb828a3aaed27093cc5b18e979ec6
        Compressed MD5       : e6ddbe2180b2238e3b9234ea81ba0ae0

User needs ALL of the following taskids:

        sonet-sdh (READ) or dwdm (READ) or interface (READ)     drivers (READ)

It will take the following actions:
Mon Dec 29 04:14:17.484 UTC
  Spawn the process:
        prm_np_show counters -s 2081   <<<<<<
