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Onboarding C8000v

·5 mins
SDWAN 8000v
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C8000v 初始虚机创建

本文章基于 vManage-20.9.3, C8000v 选择 ISO 文件进行部署在本地私有云上(c8000v-universalk9.17.09.03a.iso)。

alt text

由于是用来作为测试使用, 资源并没有选择太多, 在创建的时候注意至少创建 3 个 Network, 设置完成后打开 VM 可以看到如下提示,我们选择 no,设置 enable 密码后进入系统。

% Please answer 'yes' or 'no'.
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]: no
  The enable secret is a password used to protect
  access to privileged EXEC and configuration modes.
  This password, after entered, becomes encrypted in
  the configuration.
  secret should be of minimum 10 characters and maximum 32 characters with
  at least 1 upper case, 1 lower case, 1 digit and
  should not contain [cisco]
  Enter enable secret: ************
  Confirm enable secret: ************
The following configuration command script was created:
enable secret 9
[0] Go to the IOS command prompt without saving this config.
[1] Return back to the setup without saving this config.
[2] Save this configuration to nvram and exit.
Enter your selection [1]: 1


Router# controller-mode enable
Enabling controller mode will erase the nvram filesystem, remove all configuration files, and reload the box!
Ensure the BOOT variable points to a valid image
Continue? [confirm]
% Warning: Bootstrap config file needed for Day-0 boot is missing
Do you want to abort? (yes/[no]): no
 Mode change success

设备起来后为端口配置 IP-address,并开启 SSH 功能:

Router#show run | se line vty
line vty 0 4
 transport input ssh
Router#show run int gigabitEthernet 1
interface GigabitEthernet1
 ip address dhcp
 negotiation auto
 no mop enabled
 no mop sysid

准备 bootstrap 文件

从 17.7 起运行 IOS-XE SDWAN 的 c8000v 虚拟路由器,首次启动时需要在控制器管理模式下进行有效的 Day0/Bootstrap 配置.需要此文件来向路由器提供有效的 SD-WAN 通用设备标识符 (UID)

在 vMange -> Configuration -> Devices, 选定一个还未上线的 C8000v,选择Generate Bootstrap Configuration

alt text

alt text

alt text

Download 此文件后, 并在本地修改为ciscosdwan_cloud_init.cfg, 上传到本地 ftp 服务器上。


Router#copy ftp://calo:[email protected]:/ciscosdwan_cloud_init.cfg bootflash:
Destination filename [ciscosdwan_cloud_init.cfg]?
Accessing ftp://*:*@
[OK - 167/4096 bytes]

167 bytes copied in 3.340 secs (50 bytes/sec)
Router#dir bo
Router#dir bootflash:
Directory of bootflash:/
32      -rw-              167  Jul 27 2024 15:42:35 +00:00  ciscosdwan_cloud_init.cfg
393217  drwx            12288  Jul 27 2024 15:35:17 +00:00  tracelogs
131074  drwx             4096  Jul 27 2024 15:31:47 +00:00  .cdb_backup
12      -rwx              905  Jul 27 2024 15:31:46 +00:00  mode_event_log
2097155  drwx             4096  Jul 27 2024 15:31:45 +00:00  sdwan
33      -rw-              107  Jul 27 2024 15:31:40 +00:00  pki_certificates
26      -rw-              106  Jul 27 2024 15:31:19 +00:00  cvac.log
2097153  drwx             4096  Jul 27 2024 15:31:18 +00:00  license_evlog
28      -rw-              157  Jul 27 2024 15:31:18 +00:00  csrlxc-cfg.log
262146  drwx             4096  Jul 27 2024 15:30:43 +00:00  .geo
25      -rw-               30  Jul 27 2024 15:30:40 +00:00  throughput_monitor_params
2752514  drwx             4096  Jul 27 2024 15:30:18 +00:00  vmanage-admin
2359297  drwx             1024  Jul 27 2024 15:30:18 +00:00  .sdwaninstaller
1048578  drwx             4096  Jul 27 2024 15:30:17 +00:00  .sdwaninternal
1179649  drwx             4096  Jul 27 2024 15:29:01 +00:00  .dbpersist
30      -rw-             5626  Jul 27 2024 15:29:01 +00:00  original-xe-config
2490370  drwx             4096  Jul 27 2024 15:28:48 +00:00  pnp-tech
917505  drwx             4096  Jul 27 2024 15:28:28 +00:00  pnp-info
27      -rw-              301  Jul 27 2024 15:26:57 +00:00  .iox_dir_list
2228226  drwx             4096  Jul 27 2024 15:26:55 +00:00  iox_host_data_share
1048577  drwx             4096  Jul 27 2024 15:26:55 +00:00  guest-share
1835009  drwx             4096  Jul 27 2024 15:26:53 +00:00  onep
786433  drwx             4096  Jul 27 2024 15:26:24 +00:00  virtual-instance
23      -rw-            20109  Jul 27 2024 15:26:22 +00:00  ios_core.p7b
24      -rw-             1923  Jul 27 2024 15:26:22 +00:00
1703937  drwx             4096  Jul 27 2024 15:26:18 +00:00  core
1966081  drwx             4096  Jul 27 2024 15:26:14 +00:00  bootlog_history
2490369  drwx             4096  Jul 27 2024 15:26:13 +00:00  .prst_sync
20      -rw-        797361240  Jul 27 2024 15:25:33 +00:00  c8000v-mono-universalk9.17.09.03a.SPA.pkg
22      -rw-             5794  Jul 27 2024 15:25:33 +00:00  packages.conf
21      -rw-         51970675  Jul 27 2024 15:25:33 +00:00  c8000v-rpboot.17.09.03a.SPA.pkg
15      -rw-         13038668  Jul 27 2024 15:25:31 +00:00  c8000v-firmware_nim_async.17.09.03a.SPA.pkg
17      -rw-          4346952  Jul 27 2024 15:25:31 +00:00  c8000v-firmware_nim_ge.17.09.03a.SPA.pkg
18      -rw-         11568204  Jul 27 2024 15:25:31 +00:00  c8000v-firmware_nim_shdsl.17.09.03a.SPA.pkg
14      -rw-         11760716  Jul 27 2024 15:25:31 +00:00  c8000v-firmware_ngwic_t1e1.17.09.03a.SPA.pkg
16      -rw-         17724492  Jul 27 2024 15:25:31 +00:00  c8000v-firmware_nim_cwan.17.09.03a.SPA.pkg
19      -rw-          5575756  Jul 27 2024 15:25:31 +00:00  c8000v-firmware_nim_xdsl.17.09.03a.SPA.pkg
13      -rw-            66636  Jul 27 2024 15:25:31 +00:00  c8000v-firmware_dreamliner.17.09.03a.SPA.pkg
262145  drwx             4096  Jul 27 2024 15:25:30 +00:00  appqoe-service
131073  drwx             4096  Jul 27 2024 15:25:29 +00:00  .rollback_timer
2228225  drwx             4096  Jul 27 2024 15:25:19 +00:00  SHARED-IOX
11      drwx            16384  Jul 27 2024 15:25:10 +00:00  lost+found

47795126272 bytes total (43961167872 bytes free)
Router#dir bootflash: | in cfg
32      -rw-              167  Jul 27 2024 15:42:35 +00:00  ciscosdwan_cloud_init.cfg
28      -rw-              157  Jul 27 2024 15:31:18 +00:00  csrlxc-cfg.log
Proceed with reload? [confirm]Connection to closed by remote host.
Connection to closed.

重启设备后我们再登陆设备就可以看到 UDI 可以正常显示:

Router#show license udi
UDI: PID:C8000V,SN:C8K-011ACCA8-BDEB-1957-E4A0-3C4D89C95344

上线 C8000v


admin connected from using console on Router
Router(config)# interface Tunnel 1
Router(config-if)# ip unnumbered GigabitEthernet1
Router(config-if)# tunnel source GigabitEthernet1
Router(config-if)# tunnel mode sdwan
Router(config-if)# no shut
Router(config-if)# sdwan
Router(config-sdwan)# interface GigabitEthernet1
Router(config-interface-GigabitEthernet1)# tunnel-interface
Router(config-tunnel-interface)# encapsulation ipsec
Router(config-tunnel-interface)# allow-service all
Router(config-tunnel-interface)# allow-service sshd
Router(config-tunnel-interface)# allow-service netconf
Router(config-tunnel-interface)# exit
Router(config-interface-GigabitEthernet1)# exit
Router(config-sdwan)# exit
Router(config)# exit
Uncommitted changes found, commit them? [yes/no/CANCEL] yes
Commit complete.
admin connected from using console on Router
Router(config)# system
Router(config-system)# system-ip
Router(config-system)# site-id 1012
Router(config-system)# organization-name xuxing.eve.lab
Router(config-system)# vbond
Router(config-system)# commit
Commit complete.
Router(config-system)# end

从 vMange 上找到对应的 token,激活设备。

Router#request platform software sdwan vedge_cloud activate chassis-number C8K-011ACCA8-BDEB-1957-E4A0-3C4D89C95344 token 37f634788f5b48f68b467c24b719c92a

完成后,您应该在日志中看到 vManage 使用 NETCONF over SSH 登录到 cEdge,生成 CSR,然后对其进行签名并安装设备证书。然后,cEdge 路由器应与 vSmart 建立 OMP 对等互连,并开始接收 TLOC 和 OMP 路由。 并且控制层面可以顺利建立:

*Jul 27 15:53:01.145: %DMI-5-AUTH_PASSED: R0/0: dmiauthd: User 'vmanage-admin' authenticated successfully from  for netconf over ssh. External groups:
*Jul 27 15:54:05.230: %DMI-5-AUTH_PASSED: R0/0: dmiauthd: User 'vmanage-admin' authenticated successfully from  for netconf over ssh. External groups:
*Jul 27 15:54:05.984: %Cisco-SDWAN-Router-OMPD-3-ERRO-400002: vSmart peer state changed to Init
*Jul 27 15:54:08.114: %Cisco-SDWAN-Router-OMPD-6-INFO-400002: vSmart peer state changed to Handshake
*Jul 27 15:54:08.116: %Cisco-SDWAN-Router-OMPD-5-NTCE-400002: vSmart peer state changed to Up
*Jul 27 15:54:08.116: %Cisco-SDWAN-Router-OMPD-6-INFO-400005: Number of vSmarts connected : 1
*Jul 27 15:54:09.381: %CRYPTO-6-ISAKMP_ON_OFF: ISAKMP is ON

Router#show sdwan control connections
                                                                                       PEER                                          PEER                                          CONTROLLER
PEER    PEER PEER            SITE       DOMAIN PEER                                    PRIV  PEER                                    PUB                                           GROUP
TYPE    PROT SYSTEM IP       ID         ID     PRIVATE IP                              PORT  PUBLIC IP                               PORT  ORGANIZATION            LOCAL COLOR     PROXY STATE UPTIME      ID
vsmart  dtls        100        1                            12346                            12346 xuxing.eve.lab          default         No    up     0:00:09:12 0
vbond   dtls         0          0                            12346                            12346 xuxing.eve.lab          default         -     up     0:00:09:15 0
vmanage dtls       100        0                            12346                            12346 xuxing.eve.lab          default         No    up     0:00:09:15 0
