This project is based on the following version.
If you have problems using other versions, please try to modify the docker images version in the docker-compose file.
- Grafana v10.2.2
- Influxdb v2.7.4
- telegraf v1.29.0
Pre-Installation Requirements #
- Docker Engine, Docker Compose
- Git
Usage #
Clone to Your server
git clone https://github.com/xuxing3/tig.git
Pay attention to modify the address in telegraf.conf to your own server address
urls = ["http://x.x.x.x:8086"]
token = "my-super-secret-auth-token"
organization = "organization"
bucket = "xuxing"
# [[outputs.file]]
# files = ["stdout"]
# data_format = "influx"
## Telemetry transport can be "tcp" or "grpc". TLS is only supported when
## using the grpc transport.
transport = "tcp"
## Address and port to host telemetry listener
service_address = ":57000"
## Grpc Maximum Message Size, default is 4MB, increase the size.
max_msg_size = 4000000
Bring up docker container by docker-compose
docker-compose build; docker-compose up -d
Access to Grafana and configure database
Access to Grafana GUI
Initial username/password = admin/admin
Add your first data source > Add data source > Choose “InfluxDB”
URL: http://(your-server-ip):8086
Basic auth:
- User: admin
- Password: cisco!123
Custom HTTP Headers:
Value:“Token my-super-secret-auth-token” (无引号,注意有空格)
(The configuration is filled in according to the Docker compose file, you can change it to your own settings)
“Save & Test”
Configure your router (e.g. XR)
The protocol is set to tcp, and grpc is not easy to use after testing.
telemetry model-driven
destination-group xuxing
address-family ipv4 x.x.x.x port 57000
encoding self-describing-gpb
protocol tcp
sensor-path Cisco-IOS-XR-wdsysmon-fd-oper:system-monitoring/cpu-utilization
subscription TIG
sensor-group-id SYSTEM-CPU-MEMORY-COUNTERS sample-interval 10000
destination-id xuxing
Reference #
InfluxDB2.0+Grafana+Telegraf の構築
Influxdb + Python Write and Query #
Add two example file to help you Write and Query the data from Influxdb.