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Cisco cXR and eXR Software install guide

·8 mins
Rory Xing
Rory Xing
Step by step the ladder is ascended
Table of Contents
IOS-XR-Upgrade - This article is part of a series.
Part 1: This Article

ASR9000 Software install guide

cXR upgrade

Reload router then Ctrl+C enter into rommon, or modify resister:

#admin config-register 0x0
#admin reload location all

Turboboot (USB or TFTP)

Boot from USB:

rommon 16 > unset BOOT
rommon 17 > sync
rommon 18 > set
PS1=rommon ! >
rommon 19 >
rommon 19 >
rommon 19 > boot usb:asr9k-mini-px.vm-6.2.3
Beginning Media boot:
**** check image validation ****

Image ASR9K-Tomahawk verified successfully
boot_disk2 - Launching image.

Boot from tftp:

rommon10>unset BOOT
rommon13>boot tftp://

Install add

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:CORE5-CRS16-A#admin install add tar tftp:// synchronous          <<<
Mon Oct 24 20:29:32.205 GMT
Install operation 37 '(admin) install add tar /tftp:// synchronous' started by user 'cisco' via
CLI at 20:29:32 GMT Mon Oct 24 1988.
Info:     The following files were extracted from the tar file '/tftp://' and will be added to the
Info:     entire router:
Info:         hfr-asr9000v-nV-px.pie-6.2.25
Info:         hfr-diags-px.pie-6.2.25
Info:         hfr-doc-px.pie-6.2.25
Info:         hfr-fpd-px.pie-6.2.25
Info:         hfr-k9sec-px.pie-6.2.25
Info:         hfr-li-px.pie-6.2.25
Info:         hfr-mcast-px.pie-6.2.25
Info:         hfr-mgbl-px.pie-6.2.25
Info:         hfr-mini-px.pie-6.2.25
Info:         hfr-mpls-px.pie-6.2.25
Info:         hfr-services-px.pie-6.2.25
Info:         hfr-video-px.pie-6.2.25
Info:         README-CRS-iosxr-px-6.2.25.txt (skipped - not a pie)
Info:         README-CRS-iosxr-px-k9-6.2.25.txt (skipped - not a pie)
Info:     The following packages are now available to be activated:
Info:         disk0:hfr-asr9000v-nV-px-6.2.25
Info:         disk0:hfr-diags-px-6.2.25
Info:         disk0:hfr-doc-px-6.2.25
Info:         disk0:hfr-fpd-px-6.2.25
Info:         disk0:hfr-k9sec-px-6.2.25
Info:         disk0:hfr-li-px-6.2.25
Info:         disk0:hfr-mcast-px-6.2.25
Info:         disk0:hfr-mgbl-px-6.2.25
Info:         disk0:hfr-mini-px-6.2.25
Info:         disk0:hfr-mpls-px-6.2.25
Info:         disk0:hfr-services-px-6.2.25
Info:         disk0:hfr-video-px-6.2.25
Info:     The packages can be activated across the entire router.
Install operation 37 completed successfully at 21:11:52 GMT Mon Oct 24 1988.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:CORE5-CRS16-A#admin install activate id 37 synchronous         <<<  install active
Mon Oct 24 21:12:09.085 GMT
Install operation 38 '(admin) install activate id 37 synchronous' started by user 'cisco' via CLI at 21:12:09 GMT Mon Oct 24 1988.
Info:     This operation will activate the following packages:
Info:         disk0:hfr-video-px-6.2.25
Info:         disk0:hfr-services-px-6.2.25
Info:         disk0:hfr-mpls-px-6.2.25
Info:         disk0:hfr-mini-px-6.2.25
Info:         disk0:hfr-mgbl-px-6.2.25
Info:         disk0:hfr-mcast-px-6.2.25
Info:         disk0:hfr-li-px-6.2.25
Info:         disk0:hfr-k9sec-px-6.2.25
Info:         disk0:hfr-fpd-px-6.2.25
Info:         disk0:hfr-doc-px-6.2.25
Info:         disk0:hfr-diags-px-6.2.25
Info:         disk0:hfr-asr9000v-nV-px-6.2.25
Info:     This operation will reload the following nodes in parallel:
Info:         0/0/CPU0 (LC) (SDR: Owner)
Info:         0/1/CPU0 (LC) (SDR: Owner)
Info:         0/6/SP (MSC-DRP-SP) (Admin Resource)
Info:         0/6/CPU0 (LC) (SDR: Owner)
Info:         0/RP0/CPU0 (CRS16-RP-x86) (SDR: Owner)
Info:         0/FC0/SP (Other-SP-B) (Admin Resource)
Info:         0/FC1/SP (Other-SP-B) (Admin Resource)
Info:         0/AM0/SP (Other-SP-B) (Admin Resource)
Info:         0/AM1/SP (Other-SP-B) (Admin Resource)
Info:         0/SM0/SP (400G-Fabric-SP-C) (Admin Resource)
Info:         0/SM1/SP (400G-Fabric-SP-C) (Admin Resource)
Info:         0/SM2/SP (400G-Fabric-SP-C) (Admin Resource)
Info:         0/SM3/SP (400G-Fabric-SP-C) (Admin Resource)
Proceed with this install operation (y/n)? [y]
Info:     Install Method: Parallel Reload
Install operation 38: load phase started at 21:19:00 GMT Mon Oct 24 1988.
Info:     The changes made to software configurations will not be persistent across system reloads. Use the command '(admin) install commit' to make changes
Info:     persistent.
Info:     Please verify that the system is consistent following the software change using the following commands:
Info:         show system verify
Info:         install verify packages
Install operation 38 completed successfully at 21:19:51 GMT Mon Oct 24 1988.
User Access Verification

Username: cisco

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:CORE5-CRS16-A#admin install commit
Wed Oct 24 21:37:42.608 GMT
Install operation 39 '(admin) install commit' started by user 'cisco' via CLI at 21:37:42 GMT Wed Oct 24 2018.
Install operation 39 completed successfully at 21:37:49 GMT Wed Oct 24 2018.

PXE migration to eXR

Booting IOS-XR 64 bit Mgmt Network boot using local settings (iPXE) - Press Ctrl-c to stop
Please select the operating system and the boot device:
     1) IOS-XR (32 bit Classic XR)
     2) IOS-XR 64 bit Boot previously installed image
     3) IOS-XR 64 bit Mgmt Network boot using DHCP server
     4) IOS-XR 64 bit Mgmt Network boot using local settings (iPXE)
     5) IOS-XR 64 bit Internal network boot from RSP/RP
     6) IOS-XR 64 bit Local boot using embedded USB media
     7) IOS-XR 64 bit Local boot using front panel USB media
Selection [1/2/3/4/5/6/7]: 4Selected IOS-XR 64 bit Mgmt Network boot using local settings (iPXE), Continue ? Y/N: y

Press Ctrl-B for the iPXE command line...

iPXE> set net0/ip
iPXE> set net0/netmask
iPXE> set net0/gateway
iPXE> ifopen net0
iPXE> ping
0 bytes from <none>: seq=1: Connection timed out (
64 bytes from seq=2
64 bytes from seq=3
Finished: Operation canceled (
iPXE> ifstat
iPXE> boot tftp://

cXR to eXR migration by use eUSB

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#copy tftp:/IOX642/asr9k-mini-x64-migrate_to_eXR.tar-6.4.2 harddisk:
Wed Feb 20 03:10:00.386 UTC
Address or name of remote host []?
Destination filename [/harddisk:/asr9k-mini-x64-migrate_to_eXR.tar-6.4.2]?
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#run /pkg/bin/migrate_to_eXR -m eusb -r
Wed Feb 20 03:26:38.128 UTC
No standby RP/RSP detected.
Found tar file asr9k-mini-x64-migrate_to_eXR.tar-6.4.2 in /harddisk:/. This tar file should contain the ASR9K IOS XR 64 Bit ISO and boot files.
Extracting and Checking md5sum
Tar: blocksize = 20
x boot/initrd.img, 122661203 bytes, 239573 tape blocks
x boot/signature.initrd.img, 256 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x boot/signature.initrd.img.md5sum, 33 bytes, 1 tape block

eXR to cXR downgrade

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ASR9922-C#copy harddiskb:/asr9k-mini-px.vm-5.3.3 harddisk:
Tue Feb 19 03:55:29.904 EST
Destination filename [/harddisk:/asr9k-mini-px.vm-5.3.3]?
Tue Feb 19 03:56:15.621 EST

cisco connected from using console on ASR9922-C
sysadmin-vm:0_RP0# copy harddisk:/asr9k-mini-px.vm-5.3.3 location 0/RP0/CPU0/VM1 harddiskb:/
Tue Feb  19 03:56:35.978 UTC-05:00
Copying harddisk:/asr9k-mini-px.vm-5.3.3 to harddiskb:/

asr9k-mini-px.vm-5.3.3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
sysadmin-vm:0_RP0# run /etc/rc.d/init.d/migrate_to_cXR -b eusb -m rp0 -r
Tue Feb  19 04:01:52.572 UTC-05:00

No standby RSP/RP detected.
Updated MIGRATE flag.
Updated boot filename to asr9k-mini-px.vm-5.3.3
Rebooting Automatically
Setting up the reload option
Successfully connected to SM service

Proceed with the reimage operation of all cards?  [y/n]
Sending Request To Shelf Manager to Get Chassis Summary
Rack    SerialNumber    HW State        SW State

|----------- Chassis Summary Start -----------|
0       FOX1846G8P3

|----------- Chassis Summary End -----------|
Rack number is 0

Sending rack rel request to SM

0/0/ADMIN0:Feb 19 04:01:53.416 EST: cm[3688]: %ROUTING-TOPO-5-PROCESS_UPDATE : Got process update: Card shutdown.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Feb 19 04:01:55.524 EST: kim[322]: %INFRA-KIM-6-LOG_INFO : XR statistics will be pushed into the Linux kernel at 1 second intervals
0/0/ADMIN0:Feb 19 04:02:03.001 EST: vm_manager[3753]: %INFRA-VM_MANAGER-4-INFO : Info: vm_manager brought down VM default-sdr--1
0/RP0/ADMIN0:Feb 19 04:02:08.042 EST: cm[4096]: %ROUTING-TOPO-5-PROCESS_UPDATE : Got process update: Card shutdown.

Successfully reset all the cards
Disconnected from SM service. Exiting from tool....
Reload to boot IOS XR 32 Bit image.
*** IMPORTANT *** Please back up your admin and XR configurations before reloading.
Preparing system for backup. This may take a few minutes especially for large configurations.
        Status report: node0_RP0_CPU0: BACKUP INPROGRESS
        Status report: node0_RP0_CPU0: BACKUP HAS COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Feb 19 04:02:12.866 EST: processmgr[51]: %MGBL-SCONBKUP-6-INTERNAL_INFO : Reload debug script successfully spawned
Stopping OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshdinitctl: Unknown instance:
Stopping system message bus: dbus.
Stopping random number generator daemon.
Stopping system log daemon...0
Stopping kernel log daemon...0
Stopping internet superserver: xinetd.
Stopping crond: OK
Stopping rpcbind daemon...
Stopping S.M.A.R.T. daemon: smartd.
Stopping Lighttpd Web Server: stopped /usr/sbin/lighttpd (pid 3995)
Stopping libvirtd daemon: [  OK  ]
Deconfiguring network interfaces... done.
Sending all processes the KILL signal...
Tue Feb 19 09:02:56 UTC 2019: halt -w
Tue Feb 19 09:02:56 UTC 2019: Reboot Mode: 0, Hushd mode: 4, IPU: 21
Tue Feb 19 09:02:59 U魷Booting Main Processor
Transferring Console


eXR upgrade(install add)

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show install active summary
Sun Aug 18 05:06:54.749 UTC
    Active Packages: 1
        asr9k-xr-6.4.2 version=6.4.2 [Boot image]
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#install add source tftp:// 653.tar
Sun Aug 18 05:25:07.243 UTC
Aug 18 05:25:08 Install operation 1 started by cisco:
 install add source tftp:// 653.tar
Aug 18 05:25:11 Install operation will continue in the background
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show install request
Sun Aug 18 05:25:16.016 UTC

The install add operation 1 is 30% complete
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Aug 18 05:59:18.086 UTC: sdr_instmgr[1163]: %INSTALL-INSTMGR-2-OPERATION_SUCCESS : Install operation 1 finished successfully
Aug 18 05:59:19 Install operation 1 finished successfully

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#install activate id 1
Sun Aug 18 06:02:31.294 UTC
Aug 18 06:02:32 Install operation 3 started by cisco:
  install activate id 1
Aug 18 06:02:32 Package list:
Aug 18 06:02:32     asr9k-ospf-x64-
Aug 18 06:02:32     asr9k-mpls-te-rsvp-x64-
Aug 18 06:02:32     asr9k-mcast-x64-
Aug 18 06:02:32     asr9k-mgbl-x64-
Aug 18 06:02:32     asr9k-k9sec-x64-
Aug 18 06:02:32     asr9k-mpls-x64-
Aug 18 06:02:32     asr9k-optic-x64-
Aug 18 06:02:32     asr9k-eigrp-x64-
Aug 18 06:02:32     asr9k-mini-x64-6.5.3
Aug 18 06:02:32     asr9k-li-x64-
Aug 18 06:02:32     asr9k-bng-x64-
Aug 18 06:02:33     asr9k-9000v-nV-x64-
Aug 18 06:02:33     asr9k-m2m-x64-
Aug 18 06:02:33     asr9k-isis-x64-
This install operation will reload the system, continue?
 [yes/no]:[yes] yes
Aug 18 06:03:18 Install operation will continue in the background
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Aug 18 06:34:19.659 UTC: sdr_instmgr[1163]: %INSTALL-INSTMGR-2-OPERATION_SUCCESS : Install operation 3 finished successfully
Aug 18 06:34:21 Install operation 3 finished successfully


System Setup and Software Installation Guide for Cisco ASR 9000 Series Routers, IOS XR Release 6.5.x

Migration Guide for Cisco ASR 9000 Series Routers

NCS55 Software install guide

Boot Router By Use USB

USB File system: FAT32

Before 6.5.2, it will hit bug CSCvm77427, cannot found the USB boot option from BIOS Menu,So we can use below procedure.

Download “” and unzip it

alt text

Insert RP, connect console, Enter ESC into boot selection.

Then follow below steps, boot RP.

alt text

alt text

alt text


NCS5500 RP-E Bring Up Procedure

NCS6K Software install guide

Boot Router By Use USB

USB File system: FAT32

Recommend software: Xshell (similar with SecureCRT)

alt text

Use “System Admin VM console port”.

Reload chassis and press F12 to go to Boot Manager

sysadmin-vm:0_RP0# reload location 0/RP0 all
Cisco BIOS version : SB.Panini.0014.08
BIOS Build Date : 05/03/2016 by lchinnad
System Memory Speed : 1600 MHz
Processor Type : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2448L @ 1.80GHz
Press F12 to goto Boot Manager..

alt text

IOS-XR-Upgrade - This article is part of a series.
Part 1: This Article
