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Use Golden Image to upgrade your eXR router | NCS55/ASR9K

·38 mins
Rory Xing
Rory Xing
Step by step the ladder is ascended
Table of Contents
IOS-XR-Upgrade - This article is part of a series.
Part 2: This Article

最近尝试了下使用 Golden ISO 升级了下设备,发现其比使用官方提供的 mini 的 ISO 镜像更方便,时间更短,属实是太方便了。

什么是 Golden ISO 呢,GISO 属于自定义的镜像文件,可以选择性的将 mini iso + option rpm + smu + config file 等定制成一个镜像文件,这样我们在升级的时候只需要安装一个文件,可以省略之前很多很多的步骤。

GISO 分为以下两种:

  • Optimised GISO (目前只能由官方提供)
  • Non-optimised GISO (使用 github 上 public 的 python 脚本自己自定义)

Non-optimised GISO 的缺点:

如果使用 python 脚本自定义的 GISO,无法用于 PXE 安装,即使 PXE 安装了也只会成功安装 mini iso,其它的自定义的 oprion rpm/config 文件不会被加载。文章最后会说一下如何解决这个问题。

本文主要来介绍,如何使用 Github 上的脚本自己在本地定制化 GISO 文件。


Option 1:使用 Docker Hub 镜像


Python 脚本需要解决依赖关系的问题,目前 Docker Hub 上传了已经解决依赖关系的镜像,我们可以直接 pull 下来使用。


截至到目前已经发布的版本是 2.2.0,所以这里 pull 一个最新的版本:

[root@server1 ~]# docker pull ciscogisobuild/cisco-xr-gisobuild:2.2.0


将 github 上的项目 clone 一份下来,将其中的 src 文件夹整个 copy 一份到一个新的自定义的文件夹(rorygiso)

[root@server1 ~]# git clone
Cloning into 'gisobuild'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 267, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (159/159), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (104/104), done.
remote: Total 267 (delta 77), reused 131 (delta 54), pack-reused 108
Receiving objects: 100% (267/267), 6.06 MiB | 5.75 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (138/138), done.
[root@server1 ~]#
[root@server1 ~]#
[root@server1 ~]# cd gisobuild/
[root@server1 gisobuild]# ls
Dockerfile  gisobuild_options.yaml  LICENSE  sample_yaml  setup  src

在自定义的文件夹下需要准备好 mini 文件,需要安装的 rpm,以及路由器的配置文件(可选)

[root@server1 ~]# ls -al | grep giso
drwxr-xr-x.  7 root    root           165 Jul 21 03:54 gisobuild
drwxr-xr-x.  3 root    root          4096 Jul 21 03:53 rorygiso
[root@server1 ~]#
[root@server1 ~]#
[root@server1 ~]#
[root@server1 ~]# cd rorygiso/
[root@server1 rorygiso]#
[root@server1 rorygiso]# ls -al
total 1950276
drwxr-xr-x.  3 root root       4096 Jul 21 03:53 .
dr-xr-x---. 38 root root       4096 Jul 21 03:48 ..
-rw-------.  1 root root       2333 Jul 19 21:03 5501cfgbak.cfg
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root     676216 Jul 21 03:53 ncs5500-eigrp-
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root    3545911 Jul 21 03:53 ncs5500-isis-
-rwxr-x---.  1 root root    1800502 Jul 21 03:53 ncs5500-k9sec-
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root     343452 Jul 21 03:53 ncs5500-li-
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root   12604135 Jul 21 03:53 ncs5500-mcast-
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root   21228080 Jul 21 03:53 ncs5500-mgbl-
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root 1941411840 Jul 19 04:16 ncs5500-mini-x-7.4.2.iso
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root    2372186 Jul 21 03:53 ncs5500-mpls-
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root    9056898 Jul 21 03:53 ncs5500-mpls-te-rsvp-
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root    4002140 Jul 21 03:54 ncs5500-ospf-
drwxr-xr-x.  7 root root         94 Jul 19 22:43 src

启动一个 docker,并将本地存储镜像文件目录与 docker 内的工作目录做个映射,如下:

[root@server1 guest]# docker run -itd -v /root/rorygiso:/app/gisobuild ciscogisobuild/cisco-xr-gisobuild:2.2.0
[root@server1 guest]#
[root@server1 guest]#
[root@server1 guest]# docker exec -it 1ba5534 /bin/bash
[root@1ba553454ae5 gisobuild]#
[root@1ba553454ae5  gisobuild]# ls -al
total 1945356
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root       4096 Jul 20 07:39 .
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root         23 Jul 20 01:27 ..
-rw-------. 1 root root       2333 Jul 20 01:03 5501cfgbak.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root    3545911 Jul 19 08:09 ncs5500-isis-
-rwxr-x---. 1 root root    1800502 Jul 19 08:09 ncs5500-k9sec-
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root   12604135 Jul 19 08:09 ncs5500-mcast-
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root   21228080 Jul 19 08:09 ncs5500-mgbl-
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1941411840 Jul 19 08:16 ncs5500-mini-x-7.4.2.iso
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root    2372186 Jul 19 08:16 ncs5500-mpls-
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root    9056898 Jul 19 08:16 ncs5500-mpls-te-rsvp-
drwxr-xr-x. 7 root root         94 Jul 20 02:43 src



[root@718e07564191 gisobuild]# ./src/ --iso ncs5500-mini-x-7.4.2.iso  --xrconfig 5501cfgbak.cfg --repo /app/gisobuild/ --label rory --clean
System requirements check [PASS]

Platform: ncs5500 Version: 7.4.2

XR-Config file (/app/gisobuild/5501cfgbak.cfg) will be encapsulated in Golden ISO.

Scanning repository [/app/gisobuild]...

Building RPM Database...

Total 6 RPM(s) present in the repository path provided in CLI
[ 1] ncs5500-mgbl-
[ 2] ncs5500-mpls-
[ 3] ncs5500-mpls-te-rsvp-
[ 4] ncs5500-mcast-
[ 5] ncs5500-isis-
[ 6] ncs5500-k9sec-

Following XR x86_64 rpm(s) will be used for building Golden ISO:

        (+) ncs5500-mgbl-
        (+) ncs5500-mpls-
        (+) ncs5500-mpls-te-rsvp-
        (+) ncs5500-mcast-
        (+) ncs5500-isis-
        (+) ncs5500-k9sec-

        ...RPM signature check [PASS]

        ...RPM compatibility check [PASS]

Building Golden ISO...
Summary .....

XR rpms:

XR Config file:

        ...Golden ISO creation SUCCESS.

Golden ISO Image Location: /app/gisobuild/output_gisobuild/ncs5500-goldenk9-x-7.4.2-rory.iso
[root@718e07564191 gisobuild]#
[root@718e07564191 gisobuild]#

如上你就得到了自己定义的镜像文件”ncs5500-goldenk9-x-7.4.2-rory.iso”,可以用于 install/pxe 升级。

Option 2:使用 Docker File 自行生成 Docker 镜像

这种方法属于方法 1 的变种,其实你将 gisobuild 项目 clone 下来后就会发现其中包含一个 Dockerfile,我们可以根据这个文件自己创建 Docker 镜像,不去使用 Docker Hub 中别人上传的。

[root@server1 ~]# git clone
[root@server1 ~]# cd gisobuild/
[root@server1 gisobuild]# ls
Dockerfile  gisobuild_options.yaml  LICENSE  sample_yaml  setup  src
[root@server1 gisobuild]# cat Dockerfile
# Dockerfile for base image towards satisfying gisobuild
# dependencies.
FROM almalinux:8
COPY setup/ /tmp
WORKDIR /app/gisobuild
RUN /tmp/ && rm /tmp/
[root@server1 gisobuild]#
[root@server1 gisobuild]#

创建 gisobuild Docker image

[root@server1 gisobuild]# docker build -t gisobuild .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  2.004GB
Step 1/4 : FROM almalinux:8
8: Pulling from library/almalinux

Digest: sha256:6e08f659ac9f0c5db661d7f748ac687b4cec0cfbbc9dbc440a28d9f64f577e54
Status: Downloaded newer image for almalinux:8
 ---> 4580d9e4bab7
Step 2/4 : COPY setup/ /tmp
 ---> df1c565075e8
Step 3/4 : WORKDIR /app/gisobuild
 ---> Running in 747b532a9548
Removing intermediate container 747b532a9548
 ---> 5f45860087bb
Step 4/4 : RUN /tmp/ && rm /tmp/
 ---> Running in caf7ebac69b5
AlmaLinux 8 - BaseOS                            327 kB/s | 4.7 MB     00:14
AlmaLinux 8 - AppStream                         1.0 MB/s | 9.5 MB     00:09
AlmaLinux 8 - Extras                            6.6 kB/s |  18 kB     00:02
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:01 ago on Wed Jul 20 01:27:39 2022.
Package python3-rpm-4.14.3-23.el8.x86_64 is already installed.
Package rpm-4.14.3-23.el8.x86_64 is already installed.
Dependencies resolved.
[root@server1 gisobuild]#
[root@server1 gisobuild]# docker image ls
REPOSITORY                                                 TAG           IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
gisobuild                                                  latest        a796c4dd20fd   16 seconds ago   250MB

除此之外,剩下的生成 GISO 的步骤和方法一相同:

[root@server1 gisobuild]# docker run -itd --name rorygisotest -v /root/rorygiso:/app/gisobuild gisobuild
[root@server1 gisobuild]#
[root@server1 gisobuild]#
[root@server1 gisobuild]# docker exec -it rorygisotest /bin/bash
[root@9973b8369656 gisobuild]# ls

Option 3:使用 local server,自行解决依赖关系

[root@server1 ~]# git clone
[root@server1 ~]# cd gisobuild/
[root@server1 gisobuild]# ls
Dockerfile  gisobuild_options.yaml  LICENSE  sample_yaml  setup  src
[root@server1 gisobuild]# ./setup/
Package cpio-2.12-11.el8.x86_64 is already installed.
Package createrepo_c-0.17.7-5.el8.x86_64 is already installed.
Package file-5.33-20.el8.x86_64 is already installed.
Package genisoimage-1.1.11-39.el8.x86_64 is already installed.
Package libcdio-2.0.0-3.el8.x86_64 is already installed.
Package openssl-1:1.1.1k-6.el8_5.x86_64 is already installed.
Package python36-3.6.8-38.module_el8.5.0+2569+5c5719bc.x86_64 is already installed.
Package python3-pip-9.0.3-22.el8.noarch is already installed.
Package python3-rpm-4.14.3-23.el8.x86_64 is already installed.
Package rpm-4.14.3-23.el8.x86_64 is already installed.
Package squashfs-tools-4.3-20.el8.x86_64 is already installed.
Dependencies resolved.


解决完 local server 的依赖关系后,就可以使用 python 脚本生成 GISO,示例如下:

[root@server1 gisobuild]# ./src/ --iso /root/rorygiso/ncs5500-mini-x-7.4.2.iso  --repo  /root/rorygiso/ --xrconfig /root/rorygiso/5501cfgbak.cfg --clean --label v2

创建 USB 启动文件

按上面所说对于 Non-optimised GISO 或者说是自己通过 python 脚本创建的 GISO 无法通过 BIOS PXE 启动(BIOS 限制),除了 PXE 启动,我们可以选择在已经创建好的 GISO 上创建 USB 启动文件,使用 USB 启动设备。USB 启动可以加载 option 的 RPM 和 config file.

具体的步骤参考文章, 使用的是下面的脚本.



[root@server1 ]# git clone
[root@server1 usbboot]# ls -al
total 16
drwxr-xr-x.  3 root root   40 Jul 21 22:59 .
dr-xr-x---. 39 root root 4096 Jul 21 22:59 ..
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root 5552 Jul 21 22:59 create_usb_zip
drwxr-xr-x.  8 root root  163 Jul 21 22:59 .git
[root@server1 usbboot]# chmod +x create_usb_zip
[root@server1 usbboot]#
[root@server1 usbboot]# ./create_usb_zip ncs5500 /home/guest/guest/ncs5500-goldenk9-x-7.4.2-v2.iso
  adding: boot/ (stored 0%)
  adding: boot/install-image.iso (deflated 0%)
  adding: EFI/ (stored 0%)
  adding: EFI/boot/ (stored 0%)
  adding: EFI/boot/grub.cfg (deflated 66%)
  adding: EFI/boot/bootx64.efi (deflated 67%)
Zip file created -
[root@server1 usbboot]#
test@123:/usbboot$ ./create_usb_zip ncs5500 /gisobuild/output_gisobuild/ncs5500-goldenk9-x-7.4.2-iso.iso
./create_usb_zip: 16: Syntax error: "(" unexpected

如果你遇到上述报错,你可以复用之前所提到的 docker image cisco-xr-gisobuild, 在该 docker image 中执行:

Path /home/guest/guest/giso contain scrip and giso image.

#docker run -itd -v /home/guest/guest/giso:/app/gisobuild ciscogisobuild/cisco-xr-gisobuild:2.2.0
#docker exec -it <ID> /bin/bash

[root@718e07564191 gisobuild]# yum -y install zip

[root@718e07564191 gisobuild]# ./create_usb_zip ncs5500  ncs5500-goldenk9-x-7.4.2-v2.iso

使用 PXE 安装 GISO 安装过程

Tue Jul 19 07:18:58.896 UTC

cisco connected from using console on sysadmin-vm:0_RP0
sysadmin-vm:0_RP0# reload rack 0
Tue Jul  19 07:19:01.867 UTC+00:00
Reload node ? [no,yes] yes
result Rack graceful reload request on 0 acknowledged.
sysadmin-vm:0_RP0# 0/RP0/ADMIN0:Jul 19 07:19:14.972 UTC: vm_manager[2971]: %INFRA-VM_MANAGER-4-INFO : Info: vm_manager brought down VM default-sdr--2

Preparing system for backup. This may take a few minutes especially for large configurations.
        Status report: node0_RP0_CPU0: BACKUP INPROGRESS
        Status report: node0_RP0_CPU0: BACKUP HAS COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY

Disconnecting from 'default-sdr--1' console. Continue(Y/N)?

Connecting to 'host' console
host login: Stoping cgroup-init
Stopping OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshdinitctl: Unknown instance:
Stopping system message bus: dbus.
Stopping random number generator daemon.
Stopping system log daemon...0
Stopping kernel log daemon...0
Stopping internet superserver: xinetd.
Stopping crond: OK
Stopping rpcbind daemon...
Stopping S.M.A.R.T. daemon: smartd.
Stopping Lighttpd Web Server: stopped /usr/sbin/lighttpd (pid 4359)
Stopping libvirtd daemon: [  OK  ]
Deconfiguring network interfaces... done.
Sending all processes the KILL signal...
Unmounting remote filesystems...
Deactivating swap...
Unmounting local filesystems...
mount: can't find /mnt/ram in /etc/fstab
Rebooting... [  721.147122] obfl_rb_notify_cb: reboot notifier called
[  721.152776]  writing reset reason 1, (null)
[  721.340132]  Requesting IOFPGA for system wide cold reset operation
[  721.882173] Disabling IRQ #18
[  724.332118] Succesfully wrote mtdoops at 262144 size 32768
[  724.338343] pstore: Successfully logged oops info. Size 32740

Booting CISCO Route Processor Module
IOFPGA Information:
    Booted from         : Primary FPGA
    Revison             : 0x10019
    ID                  : 0x20171FD3
    Date                : 0x20190924
    Fab Revision        : 0x5
    Base Board Presence : 0x80000015

Board is : Turin CPU Board
Booting from Primary BIOS
BIOS secure boot verification results: PASS

BIOS version: 1.22.0
Selected Boot Option:
Version 2.18.1260. Copyright (C) 2019 American Megatrends, Inc.
BIOS Date: 11/02/2019 03:24:06 Ver: 1.22
Press <DEL> or <ESC> to enter setup.
Entering Setup...

       Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2019 American Megatrends, Inc.
    Security  Cisco Boot Manager
│                                                    │                         │
│  List of Boot Options                              │                         │
│  UEFI: Micron_M600_MTFDDAT064MBF, Partition 4      │                         │
│  UEFI: Built-in iPXE                               │                         │
│  UEFI: Built-in Grub                               │                         │
│  UEFI: Built-in Shell                              │                         │
│  P0: Micron_M600_MTFDDAT064MBF                     │                         │
│                                                    │                         │
│                                                    │                         │
│                                                    │─────────────────────────│
│                                                    │><: Select Screen        │
│                                                    │: Select Item          │
│                                                    │Enter: Select            │
│                                                    │+/-: Change Opt.         │
│                                                    │F1: General Help         │
│                                                    │ESC: Exit                │
│                                                    │                         │
│                                                    │                         │
│                                                    │                         │
        Version 2.18.1260. Copyright (C) 2019 American Megatrends, Inc.
iPXE initialising devices...ok

iPXE 1.0.0+ (c451) -- Open Source Network Boot Firmware --
iPXE> ifopen net0
iPXE> set net0/netmask
iPXE> set net0/ip
iPXE> set net0/gateway
iPXE> boot ok
Memory required for image[ncs5500-goldenk9-x-7.4.2-iso.iso]: 1991798784, available: 2146422784
Certificate parsing success

Root Certificate found.
Successfully got public key from issuer cert

Image verified successfully. Booting...
Booting iso-image@0x7d9479000(1991798784), bzImage@0x7d94c2800(6288206)
Certificate parsing success

Root Certificate found.
Successfully got public key from issuer cert

Image verified successfully. Booting..
**** PASS: secure boot verification of image: bzImage****
[    0.736776] Allocating netns hash table
Expanding ISO image
4234522 blocks
/iso/iosxrwbd-ddc.installer does not exist
Skip labeling of root when start with root on non-persistent storage
Starting udev
udevd[244]: unknown key 'RUN{builtin}' in /lib/udev/rules.d/64-btrfs-dm.rules:8

udevd[244]: invalid rule '/lib/udev/rules.d/64-btrfs-dm.rules:8'

Running postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/100-dnsmasq...
Running postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/101-nfs-utils-client...
Running postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/102-nfs-utils...
update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/run-postinsts exists during rc.d purge (continuing)
 Removing any system startup links for run-postinsts ...
Configuring network interfaces... done.
Starting system message bus: dbus.
Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd
  generating ssh RSA key...
  generating ssh ECDSA key...
  generating ssh DSA key...
  generating ssh ED25519 key...
sshd start/running, process 1296
Starting rpcbind daemon...done.
Starting random number generator daemon.
Starting system log daemon...0
Starting kernel log daemon...0
tftpd-hpa disabled in /etc/default/tftpd-hpa
Starting internet superserver: xinetd.
Starting S.M.A.R.T. daemon: smartd.
Tue Jul 19 07:24:23 UTC 2022: Detected /iso/host.iso
mount: /dev/loop0 is write-protected, mounting read-only
Tue Jul 19 07:24:23 UTC 2022: Mounted /iso/host.iso to /tmp/isomnt.QbFpps
Tue Jul 19 07:24:23 UTC 2022: Found /tmp/isomnt.QbFpps/rpm/ in host.iso
Tue Jul 19 07:24:23 UTC 2022: Installing /tmp/isomnt.QbFpps/rpm/
warning: /tmp/isomnt.QbFpps/rpm/ Header V4 RSA/SHA256 signature: NOKEY, key ID 5746bd08
Preparing packages for installation...
ls: cannot access /opt/cisco/hostos/etc/usb-install/cisco-instance/zermatt: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access /etc/dhcp/cisco-instance/zermatt: No such file or directory
Tue Jul 19 07:24:24 UTC 2022: Passing control to /etc/rc.d/init.d/ start
Logging started at Tue Jul 19 07:24:24 UTC 2022...
Tue Jul 19 07:24:25 UTC 2022: Sourcing /etc/init.d/ PI script
Tue Jul 19 07:24:25 UTC 2022: Sourcing /etc/init.d/ PI script
cmdline = bzImage root=/dev/ram install=/dev/sda console=ttyS0,115200 prod=1 crashkernel=192M@0 bigphysarea=10M quiet pci=assign-busses noissu aer=off pci=hpmemsize=0M,hpiosize=0M giso_boot initrd=initrd.img
Tue Jul 19 07:24:25 UTC 2022: Preparing disk for PLATFORM=zermatt:
Tue Jul 19 07:24:25 UTC 2022: In collect_archive_interrupted_bake_logs function....
Tue Jul 19 07:24:25 UTC 2022: Debug partition exist and is getting mounted..
Tue Jul 19 07:24:25 UTC 2022: Debug partition mounted on /tmp/bakelog
Tue Jul 19 07:24:25 UTC 2022: Found 0 log files in debug partition
Tue Jul 19 07:24:25 UTC 2022: Previous bake was successful
Tue Jul 19 07:24:25 UTC 2022: Secondary disk is not present
Punching IOFPGA watchdog
Tue Jul 19 07:24:25 UTC 2022: Installer will install image on sda
Tue Jul 19 07:24:25 UTC 2022: Checking disks: sda
Tue Jul 19 07:24:25 UTC 2022: Primary disk /dev/sda health check failed
Tue Jul 19 07:24:25 UTC 2022: Removing old boot partition
Tue Jul 19 07:24:26 UTC 2022: Preparing debug partition zermatt
Logging started at Tue Jul 19 07:24:26 UTC 2022...
Tue Jul 19 07:24:26 UTC 2022: Removing old volumes
Tue Jul 19 07:24:26 UTC 2022: Inside Volume-Cleaning Function
Tue Jul 19 07:24:26 UTC 2022: Removed LVM /dev/panini_vol_grp/host_lv0 for Panini
Tue Jul 19 07:24:26 UTC 2022: Removed LVM /dev/panini_vol_grp/host_data_scratch_lv0 for Panini
Tue Jul 19 07:24:26 UTC 2022: Removed LVM /dev/panini_vol_grp/host_data_log_lv0 for Panini
Tue Jul 19 07:24:26 UTC 2022: Removed LVM /dev/panini_vol_grp/host_data_config_lv0 for Panini
Tue Jul 19 07:24:26 UTC 2022: Removed LVM /dev/panini_vol_grp/calvados_lv0 for Panini
Tue Jul 19 07:24:26 UTC 2022: Removed LVM /dev/panini_vol_grp/calvados_data_lv0 for Panini
Tue Jul 19 07:24:26 UTC 2022: Removed LVM /dev/panini_vol_grp/xr_lv0 for Panini
Tue Jul 19 07:24:26 UTC 2022: Removed LVM /dev/panini_vol_grp/xr_lcp_lv0 for Panini
Tue Jul 19 07:24:27 UTC 2022: Removed LVM /dev/app_vol_grp/app_lv0 for App-Host
Tue Jul 19 07:24:27 UTC 2022: Removed App-Vol Grp app_vol_grp
Tue Jul 19 07:24:27 UTC 2022: Removed Panini Vol-Grp panini_vol_grp
Tue Jul 19 07:24:27 UTC 2022: Removed PV
Tue Jul 19 07:24:27 UTC 2022: Exiting from the Volume Cleaning Section
Tue Jul 19 07:24:27 UTC 2022 (/etc/rc.d/init.d/ Golden ISO type = 1.1 and PKG_VER = 1.0
Tue Jul 19 07:24:27 UTC 2022 (/etc/rc.d/init.d/ Additional RPMS embedded in system_image.iso
Tue Jul 19 07:24:28 UTC 2022: Going to copy GISO files...
Tue Jul 19 07:24:28 UTC 2022: Starting of copy_giso_files function
Tue Jul 19 07:24:34 UTC 2022: Ending of copy_giso_files function
Tue Jul 19 07:24:34 UTC 2022: Copied Golden ISO files...
Tue Jul 19 07:24:42 UTC 2022: Md5sum verification succeeded
Tue Jul 19 07:24:42 UTC 2022: ---Starting to prepare mb_disk---
Tue Jul 19 07:24:42 UTC 2022:
Tue Jul 19 07:24:42 UTC 2022: ---Starting to prepare sda---
Tue Jul 19 07:24:43 UTC 2022: /dev/sda disk size is 64023MB
Tue Jul 19 07:24:43 UTC 2022: Using remaining disk space 21109 MB for secondary disk functions
Tue Jul 19 07:24:43 UTC 2022: LVM size (31744 MB) DEBUG part size (10 MB)
Tue Jul 19 07:24:43 UTC 2022: Creating partitions, BOOT=900MB, LVM=31744MB, EFI=20MB
Tue Jul 19 07:24:43 UTC 2022: Created partition of size 21109 for use as secondary disk
Tue Jul 19 07:24:43 UTC 2022: Created Partition of size 4096 for use of App-Volume
Tue Jul 19 07:24:43 UTC 2022: Partition creation on /dev/sda took 1 seconds
Tue Jul 19 07:24:43 UTC 2022: File system creation on /dev/sda1 took 0 seconds
Tue Jul 19 07:24:43 UTC 2022: Partitioning PCI block device /dev/sda5
Tue Jul 19 07:24:43 UTC 2022: /dev/sda5 disk size is 21109MB
Tue Jul 19 07:24:44 UTC 2022: Final return val 0  ....
Tue Jul 19 07:24:44 UTC 2022: Retaining Volume Group pci_disk1
Tue Jul 19 07:24:44 UTC 2022: Install boot image on /dev/sda1
Tue Jul 19 07:25:00 UTC 2022: Starting Calvados patch for lxc for hostos
Tue Jul 19 07:25:00 UTC 2022: Uninstalling rpm gdb
Tue Jul 19 07:25:00 UTC 2022 (/etc/init.d/ ZERMATT: Patch host
Tue Jul 19 07:25:01 UTC 2022 (/etc/init.d/ ZERMATT: Patch host done
Enable selinux to relabel filesystem from initramfs
Checking SELinux security contexts:
 * First booting, filesystem will be relabeled...
Tue Jul 19 07:25:06 UTC 2022: Finished Calvados patch for lxc
Tue Jul 19 07:25:07 UTC 2022: Installing host image size of 498M took 23 seconds
Tue Jul 19 07:25:07 UTC 2022:
Tue Jul 19 07:25:07 UTC 2022: ---Starting to prepare host logical volume---
Tue Jul 19 07:25:07 UTC 2022 (/etc/rc.d/init.d/ Create app volume on sda
  Physical volume "/dev/sda6" successfully created
Tue Jul 19 07:25:23 UTC 2022 (/etc/rc.d/init.d/ card_value is 0x20171FD3
Tue Jul 19 07:25:23 UTC 2022 (/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ZERMATT: card_inst=TURIN-RP,TURIN-SYNC-RP card_type=RP
Tue Jul 19 07:25:25 UTC 2022: Starting Calvados patch for lxc for hostos
Tue Jul 19 07:25:25 UTC 2022: Uninstalling rpm gdb
Tue Jul 19 07:25:26 UTC 2022 (/etc/init.d/ ZERMATT: Patch host
Tue Jul 19 07:25:26 UTC 2022 (/etc/init.d/ ZERMATT: Patch host done
Enable selinux to relabel filesystem from initramfs
Checking SELinux security contexts:
 * First booting, filesystem will be relabeled...
Tue Jul 19 07:25:31 UTC 2022: Finished Calvados patch for lxc
Tue Jul 19 07:25:33 UTC 2022:
Tue Jul 19 07:25:33 UTC 2022: ---Starting to prepare calvados logical volume---
Tue Jul 19 07:25:33 UTC 2022: Create sub partition on /dev/panini_vol_grp/calvados_lv0
Tue Jul 19 07:25:34 UTC 2022: Create data sub partition on /dev/panini_vol_grp/calvados_data_lv0
Tue Jul 19 07:25:43 UTC 2022: File system creation on /dev/panini_vol_grp/calvados_lv0 took 10 seconds
Tue Jul 19 07:25:43 UTC 2022: Install sysadmin-vm image on /dev/panini_vol_grp/calvados_lv0
Tue Jul 19 07:25:56 UTC 2022 (/etc/rc.d/init.d/ card_value is 0x20171FD3
Tue Jul 19 07:25:56 UTC 2022 (/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ZERMATT: card_inst=TURIN-RP,TURIN-SYNC-RP card_type=RP
Tue Jul 19 07:25:56 UTC 2022: sysadmin-vm: RP based installation
 Tue Jul 19 07:26:53 UTC 2022: Starting Calvados patch for lxc for sysadmin-vm
Tue Jul 19 07:26:53 UTC 2022: Uninstalling rpm gdb
Tue Jul 19 07:26:54 UTC 2022: Uninstalling rpm smartmontools
Tue Jul 19 07:26:54 UTC 2022 (/etc/init.d/ ZERMATT: Patch calvados
Tue Jul 19 07:26:54 UTC 2022 (/etc/init.d/ Cleaning up LXC
Tue Jul 19 07:26:54 UTC 2022 (/etc/init.d/ ZERMATT: Patch calvados done
Enable selinux to relabel filesystem from initramfs
Checking SELinux security contexts:
 * First booting, filesystem will be relabeled...
Tue Jul 19 07:27:01 UTC 2022: Finished Calvados patch for lxc
Tue Jul 19 07:27:04 UTC 2022: Installing sysadmin-vm image size of 1.3G took 81 seconds
Tue Jul 19 07:27:06 UTC 2022: ---Starting to prepare repository---
Tue Jul 19 07:27:14 UTC 2022: File system creation on /dev/sda2 took 7 seconds
Tue Jul 19 07:27:16 UTC 2022 (/etc/rc.d/init.d/ Check for unwanted iso and remove if required.
Tue Jul 19 07:27:16 UTC 2022: Copying /iso/host.iso to repository /iso directory
Tue Jul 19 07:27:18 UTC 2022: Copying /iso/ncs5500-sysadmin.iso to repository /iso directory
Tue Jul 19 07:27:22 UTC 2022: Copy XR rpms to repository
Tue Jul 19 07:27:24 UTC 2022: Copy giso_info.txt to repository
Tue Jul 19 07:27:24 UTC 2022: Copying /iso/ncs5500-xr.iso to repository /iso directory
Tue Jul 19 07:27:34 UTC 2022: Copying all ISOs to repository took 18 seconds
Tue Jul 19 07:27:34 UTC 2022: Install EFI on /dev/sda4
Zermatt/Turin: Hardware Revision:
Tue Jul 19 07:27:34 UTC 2022 (/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ZERMATT: Patch grub. card_index=27016
Tue Jul 19 07:27:34 UTC 2022: Install finished on sda
Resetting RP BIOS_BOOT_MODE register
Automatic rebooting system after installation ...
[  244.576775] Requesting IOFPGA for system-wide warm reset operation
[  244

Booting CISCO Route Processor Module
IOFPGA Information:
    Booted from         : Primary FPGA
    Revison             : 0x10019
    ID                  : 0x20171FD3
    Date                : 0x20190924
    Fab Revision        : 0x5
    Base Board Presence : 0x80000015

Board is : Turin CPU Board
Booting from Primary BIOS
BIOS secure boot verification results: PASS

BIOS version: 1.22.0
Selected Boot Option:
Version 2.18.1260. Copyright (C) 2019 American Megatrends, Inc.
BIOS Date: 11/02/2019 03:24:06 Ver: 1.22
Press <DEL> or <ESC> to enter setup.
Image Name = \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI

Image Size = 926750 Bytes

 ----------- Cisco Secure Boot: Begin ------------

 ----------- Cisco Secure Boot: Verifying --------
Certificate parsing success

Root Certificate found.
Successfully got public key from issuer cert

Image verified successfully. Booting..

 ----------- Cisco Secure Boot: End --------------

GNU GRUB version 2.00
Press F2 to goto grub Menu..
Booting from Disk..
Loading Kernel..
Kernel Secure Boot Validation Result: PASSED
Loading initrd..
Initrd Secure Boot Validation Result: PASSED
[    0.177495] Allocating netns hash table
Enable selinux to relabel filesystem from initramfs
Load IMA appraise policy: OK
Switching to new root and running init.
Sourcing /etc/sysconfig/udev
Starting udev: udevd[481]: unknown key 'RUN{builtin}' in /lib/udev/rules.d/64-btrfs-dm.rules:8

udevd[481]: invalid rule '/lib/udev/rules.d/64-btrfs-dm.rules:8'

[  OK  ]
Running postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/100-dnsmasq...
Running postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/101-nfs-utils-client...
Running postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/102-nfs-utils...
update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/run-postinsts exists during rc.d purge (continuing)
 Removing any system startup links for run-postinsts ...
Configuring network interfaces... done.
Starting system message bus: dbus.
Tue Jul 19 07:28:44 UTC 2022: in hostos !!!!!!!!!
/etc/rc3.d/S08check-flash: line 487: pd_is_hdd_partition_needed: command not found
UBI device number 3, total 144 LEBs (18855936 bytes, 18.0 MiB), available 0 LEBs (0 bytes), LEB size 130944 bytes (127.9 KiB)
Punching IOFPGA watchdog
UBI device number 5, total 32 LEBs (4190208 bytes, 4.0 MiB), available 0 LEBs (0 bytes), LEB size 130944 bytes (127.9 KiB)
Punching IOFPGA watchdog
Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd
  generating ssh RSA key...
  generating ssh ECDSA key...
  generating ssh DSA key...
  generating ssh ED25519 key...
sshd start/running, process 4020
Starting rpcbind daemon...done.
Starting kdump:[  OK  ]
Starting random number generator daemon.
Starting system log daemon...0
Starting kernel log daemon...0
tftpd-hpa disabled in /etc/default/tftpd-hpa
Starting internet superserver: xinetd.
Starting S.M.A.R.T. daemon: smartd.
Starting Lighttpd Web Server: lighttpd.
Starting libvirtd daemon: [  OK  ]
Starting crond: OK
Starting cgroup-init
Network ieobc_br defined from /etc/init/ieobc_br_network.xml

Network local_br defined from /etc/init/local_br_network.xml

Network xr_local_br defined from /etc/init/xr_local_br_network.xml

Network ieobc_br started

Network local_br started

Network xr_local_br started

mcelog start/running, process 6081
diskmon start/running, process 6083
Creating default host password file
initctl: Unknown instance: /dev/
Starting host access on TTY /dev/ttyS1
serial (/dev/ttyS1) start/running, process 6386

Connecting to 'default-sdr--1' console
 √ √ √ ²bootlogd: ioctl(/dev/pts/2, TIOCCONS): Device or resource busy
Running postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/100-dnsmasq...
Running postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/101-nfs-utils-client...
Running postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/102-nfs-utils...
update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/run-postinsts exists during rc.d purge (continuing)
 Removing any system startup links for run-postinsts ...
Configuring network interfaces... done.
Starting system message bus: dbus.
Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd
  generating ssh RSA key...
  generating ssh ECDSA key...
  generating ssh DSA key...
  generating ssh ED25519 key...
sshd start/running, process 2326
Starting rpcbind daemon...done.
Starting random number generator daemon.
Starting system log daemon...0
Starting kernel log daemon...0
tftpd-hpa disabled in /etc/default/tftpd-hpa
Starting internet superserver: xinetd.
Libvirt not initialized for container instance
Starting crond: OK
SIOCADDRT: File exists

ios con0/RP0/CPU0 is now available

Press RETURN to get started.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Jul 19 07:34:09.199 UTC: fpd-serv[195]: %PKT_INFRA-FM-3-FAULT_MAJOR : ALARM_MAJOR :FPD-NEED-UPGRADE :DECLARE :0/RP0:
0/RP0/ADMIN0:Jul 19 07:34:13.722 UTC: inst_agent[3016]: %INFRA-INSTAGENT-4-XR_PART_PREP_IMG : SDR/XR image baking in progress
0/RP0/ADMIN0:Jul 19 07:35:02.762 UTC: inst_agent[3016]: %INFRA-INSTAGENT-4-XR_PART_PREP_RPM : SDR/XR additional RPM installation is in progress

This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United
States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and
use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply third-party
authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption. Importers,
exporters, distributors and users are responsible for compliance with
U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you agree to comply
with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable to comply with
U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.

A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be
found at:

If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to
[email protected].

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Jul 19 07:35:44.049 UTC: smartlicserver[166]: %LICENSE-SMART_LIC-3-EVAL_EXPIRED : Evaluation period expired
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Jul 19 07:35:44.052 UTC: smartlicserver[166]: %LICENSE-SMART_LIC-3-EVAL_EXPIRED : Evaluation period expired
0/RP0/ADMIN0:Jul 19 07:37:07.420 UTC: inst_agent[3016]: %INFRA-INSTAGENT-4-XR_PART_PREP_RESP : SDR/XR partition preparation completed successfully

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO root-system username is configured. Need to configure root-system username. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

         --- Administrative User Dialog ---

  Enter root-system username: RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Jul 19 07:37:14.556 UTC: smartlicserver[166]: %LICENSE-SMART_LIC-3-COMM_FAILED : Communications failure with the Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM) : Communications init failure
0/RP0/ADMIN0:Jul 19 07:37:25.251 UTC: vm_manager[3107]: %INFRA-VM_MANAGER-4-INFO : Info: vm_manager started VM default-sdr--2

  % Entry must not be null.

  Enter root-system username: RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Jul 19 07:37:44.630 UTC: smartlicserver[166]: %LICENSE-SMART_LIC-3-COMM_FAILED : Communications failure with the Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM) : Communications init failure

  % Entry must not be null.

  Enter root-system username: cisco
  Enter secret:
  Enter secret again:

使用 install replace 安装 GISO 过程

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios# install replace synchronous
Thu Jul 21 14:53:54.563 UTC
Jul 21 14:54:04 Install operation 2 started by cisco:
Jul 21 14:54:04   install replace source synchronous
Jul 21 14:54:04 No install operation in progress at this moment
Jul 21 14:54:04 Checking system is ready for install operation
Jul 21 14:54:06 'install replace' in progress
Jul 21 14:54:06 Label = v2
Jul 21 14:54:06 ISO ncs5500-goldenk9-x-7.4.2-v2.iso in input package list. Going to upgrade the system to version 7.4.2.
Jul 21 14:54:06 Scheme : http
Jul 21 14:54:06 Hostname :
Jul 21 14:54:06 Collecting software state..
Jul 21 14:54:06 Getting platform
Jul 21 14:54:06 Getting supported architecture
Jul 21 14:54:06 Getting active packages from XR
Jul 21 14:54:07 Getting inactive packages from XR
Jul 21 14:54:10 Getting list of RPMs in local repo
Jul 21 14:54:11 Getting list of provides of all active packages
Jul 21 14:54:11 Getting provides of each rpm in repo
Jul 21 14:54:11 Getting requires of each rpm in repo
Jul 21 14:54:11 Fetching .... ncs5500-goldenk9-x-7.4.2-v2.iso
Jul 21 14:55:15 Adding packages
Jul 21 14:55:15 Allocated operation ID 3 for install add
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Jul 21 14:55:44.148 UTC: fib_mgr[158]: %ROUTING-FIB-4-RETRYDB_NONEMPTY : One or more FIB object(s) have been in IPv4 retry queue for at least 120 seconds
Jul 21 14:55:59 Activating ncs5500-goldenk9-x-7.4.2-v2
This install operation will reload the system, continue?
 [yes:no]:[yes] yes
Jul 21 14:56:37 Optimized list to prepare after sanitizing input list for superseded packages:
Jul 21 14:56:37 Package list:
Jul 21 14:56:37         ncs5500-goldenk9-x-7.4.2-v2
Jul 21 14:56:37 Action 1: install prepare action started
Jul 21 14:56:37 Triggering prepare operation.
This may take a while...
 RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Jul 21 14:59:44.149 UTC: fib_mgr[158]: %ROUTING-FIB-4-RETRYDB_NONEMPTY : One or more FIB object(s) have been in IPv4 retry queue for at least 240 seconds
Jul 21 15:00:39 Action 1: install prepare action completed successfully
Jul 21 15:00:41 Prepare operation completed. Trigger activate.
This may take a while...
Jul 21 15:00:41 Prepare completed. A new operation ID 4 will be taken up for activate operation
Jul 21 15:00:41 Activate operation ID is: 4 for 'install source' ID:2
Jul 21 15:00:43 Install operation 4 started by cisco:
  install activate noprompt synchronous
Jul 21 15:00:45 Action 1: install activate action started
Jul 21 15:00:45 The software will be activated with reload upgrade
Jul 21 15:00:47 Following nodes are available for System Upgrade activate:
Jul 21 15:00:47  0/RP0
 Jul 21 15:03:06 Action 1: install activate action completed successfully
Jul 21 15:03:17 Install operation 4 finished successfully
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Jul 21 15:03:17.122 UTC: sdr_instmgr[1204]: %INSTALL-INSTMGR-2-OPERATION_SUCCESS : Install operation 4 finished successfully
Jul 21 15:03:17 Ending operation 4
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Jul 21 15:03:17.475 UTC: sdr_instmgr[1204]: %INSTALL-INSTMGR-2-SYSTEM_RELOAD_INFO : The whole system will be reloaded to complete install operation 4
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#  0/RP0/ADMIN0:Jul 21 15:04:16.931 UTC: shelf_mgr[3042]: %INFRA-SHELF_MGR-4-CARD_RELOAD : Reloading card 0/RP0
0/RP0/ADMIN0:Jul 21 15:04:26.901 UTC: vm_manager[3054]: %INFRA-VM_MANAGER-4-INFO : Info: vm_manager brought down VM default-sdr--2
0/RP0/ADMIN0:Jul 21 15:04:26.999 UTC: card_mgr[2955]: %DRIVER-CARD_MGR-4-IOFPGA_GREEN_MODE_PWR_UPDT : CARD_MGR MB-IOFPGA Green Mode Power Interrupt (Slice 0 DOWN:PWR_INT_JER_0:PWR_OFF)
Stoping cgroup-init
Stopping OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshdinitctl: Unknown instance:
Stopping system message bus: dbus.
Stopping random number generator daemon.
Stopping system log daemon...0
Stopping kernel log daemon...0
Stopping internet superserver: xinetd.
Stopping crond: OK
Stopping rpcbind daemon...
Stopping S.M.A.R.T. daemon: smartd.
Stopping Lighttpd Web Server: stopped /usr/sbin/lighttpd (pid 4458)
Stopping libvirtd daemon: [  OK  ]
Deconfiguring network interfaces... done.
Sending all processes the KILL signal...
Unmounting remote filesystems...
Deactivating swap...
Unmounting local filesystems...
mount: can't find /mnt/ram in /etc/fstab
Rebooting... [ 1313.386178] obfl_rb_notify_cb: reboot notifier called
[ 1313.391835]  writing reset reason 1, (null)
[ 1314.213470]  Requesting IOFPGA for system wide cold reset operation
[ 1317.164827] Succesfully wrote mtdoops at 163840 size 32768
[ 1317.171254] pstore: Successfully logged oops info. Size 32740

Booting CISCO Route Processor Module

ME Firmware Status #1: 0x000F0345
ME Firmware Status #2: 0x38004000
ME Current State: Operational
ME Error Code: No Error
ME Operational Firmware Version: 06:

Baseboard IOFPGA Information:
    Revision = 0xF
    ID = 0xD4171FD3
    Creation Date = 0x20180626
CPU Board IOFPGA Information:
    Revision = 0x10012
    ID = 0xD0171FD3
    Creation Date = 0x20180518
    Fab Revision = P7

Baseboard Present!

Board is : PeytoCR I-Temp CPU Board
Booting from Upgrade Bios
Code Signing Results:(0xC0)                                    0x0
Using Upgrade FPGA

Base Board IOFPGA found at PCI Bus: 0x0A
Base Board MIFPGA found at PCI Bus: 0x0C
CPU Board IOFPGA found at PCI Bus: 0x0D
All FPGA devices are up and running.

SATA Port 0: Micron_M500IT_ - 128.0 GB
DISK Boot Partition = UEFI: Micron_M500IT_MTFDDAT256MBD, Partition 4

XR OS Boot Mode = 0x0

Selected Boot Option:
        XROS: Harddisk Boot
Version 2.18.1260. Copyright (C) 2018 American Megatrends, Inc.
Winterfell BIOS: v1.10.1 Date: 05/31/2018 22:19:51
Press <ESC> to enter setup.
Image Name = \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI

Image Size = 927262 Bytes

 ------------Cisco Secure Boot: Begin ------------

 -----------Cisco Secure Boot: Verifying-----------

Image verified successfully. Booting..

 ------------Cisco Secure Boot: End ------------

GNU GRUB version 2.00
Press F2 to goto grub Menu..
Booting from Disk..
Loading Kernel..
Kernel Secure Boot Validation Result: PASSED
Loading initrd..
Initrd Secure Boot Validation Result: PASSED
[    0.188892] Allocating netns hash table
Enable selinux to relabel filesystem from initramfs
Load IMA appraise policy: OK
Switching to new root and running init.
Sourcing /etc/sysconfig/udev
Starting udev: udevd[496]: unknown key 'RUN{builtin}' in /lib/udev/rules.d/64-btrfs-dm.rules:8

udevd[496]: invalid rule '/lib/udev/rules.d/64-btrfs-dm.rules:8'

[  OK  ]
Running postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/100-dnsmasq...
Running postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/101-nfs-utils-client...
Running postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/102-nfs-utils...
update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/run-postinsts exists during rc.d purge (continuing)
 Removing any system startup links for run-postinsts ...
Configuring network interfaces... done.
Starting system message bus: dbus.
Thu Jul 21 15:06:02 UTC 2022: in hostos !!!!!!!!!
/etc/rc3.d/S08check-flash: line 487: pd_is_hdd_partition_needed: command not found
UBI device number 3, total 144 LEBs (18855936 bytes, 18.0 MiB), available 0 LEBs (0 bytes), LEB size 130944 bytes (127.9 KiB)
Punching IOFPGA watchdog
UBI device number 5, total 32 LEBs (4190208 bytes, 4.0 MiB), available 0 LEBs (0 bytes), LEB size 130944 bytes (127.9 KiB)
Punching IOFPGA watchdog
Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd
  generating ssh RSA key...
  generating ssh ECDSA key...
  generating ssh DSA key...
  generating ssh ED25519 key...
sshd start/running, process 4112
Starting rpcbind daemon...done.
Starting kdump:[  OK  ]
Starting random number generator daemon.
Starting system log daemon...0
Starting kernel log daemon...0
tftpd-hpa disabled in /etc/default/tftpd-hpa
Starting internet superserver: xinetd.
Starting S.M.A.R.T. daemon: smartd.
Starting Lighttpd Web Server: lighttpd.
Starting libvirtd daemon: [  OK  ]
Starting crond: OK
Starting cgroup-init
Network ieobc_br defined from /etc/init/ieobc_br_network.xml

Network local_br defined from /etc/init/local_br_network.xml

Network xr_local_br defined from /etc/init/xr_local_br_network.xml

Network ieobc_br started

Network local_br started

Network xr_local_br started

mcelog start/running, process 6117
diskmon start/running, process 6118
Creating default host password file
initctl: Unknown instance: /dev/ttyS0

/etc/rc.d/init.d/pd-functions: line 142: /bin: Is a directory

Connecting to 'default-sdr--1' console
ootlogd: ioctl(/dev/pts/2, TIOCCONS): Device or resource busy
Running postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/100-dnsmasq...
Running postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/101-nfs-utils-client...
Running postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/102-nfs-utils...
update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/run-postinsts exists during rc.d purge (continuing)
 Removing any system startup links for run-postinsts ...
Configuring network interfaces... done.
Starting system message bus: dbus.
Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd
  generating ssh RSA key...
  generating ssh ECDSA key...
  generating ssh DSA key...
  generating ssh ED25519 key...
sshd start/running, process 2398
Starting rpcbind daemon...done.
Starting random number generator daemon.
Starting system log daemon...0
Starting kernel log daemon...0
tftpd-hpa disabled in /etc/default/tftpd-hpa
Starting internet superserver: xinetd.
Libvirt not initialized for container instance
Starting crond: OK
SIOCADDRT: File exists

ios con0/RP0/CPU0 is now available

Press RETURN to get started.

0/RP0/ADMIN0:Jul 21 15:08:11.826 UTC: envmon[3128]: %PKT_INFRA-FM-3-FAULT_MAJOR : ALARM_MAJOR :Power Module Fault (PM_VOUT_VOLT_OOR) :DECLARE :0/PM1: Power module is under HW_VOUT_OUT_OF_RANGE condition.
0/RP0/ADMIN0:Jul 21 15:08:11.826 UTC: envmon[3128]: %PKT_INFRA-FM-3-FAULT_MAJOR : ALARM_MAJOR :Power Module Error (PM_VIN_VOLT_OOR) :DECLARE :0/PM1: Power module is under HW_VIN_OUT_OF_RANGE condition.
0/RP0/ADMIN0:Jul 21 15:08:11.826 UTC: envmon[3128]: %PKT_INFRA-FM-3-FAULT_MAJOR : ALARM_MAJOR :Power Group redundancy lost :DECLARE :0:
0/RP0/ADMIN0:Jul 21 15:08:11.830 UTC: shelf_mgr[3160]: %INFRA-SHELF_MGR-3-HW_FAILURE_EVENT : HW failure event HW_EVENT_FAILURE, event_reason_str 'No Input or HW Power Failure' for card 0/PM1
0/RP0/ADMIN0:Jul 21 15:08:11.830 UTC: shelf_mgr[3160]: %INFRA-SHELF_MGR-3-CARD_HW_FAILED : Card: 0/PM1 hardware state going to FAILED
0/RP0/ADMIN0:Jul 21 15:08:11.844 UTC: shelf_mgr[3160]: %INFRA-SHELF_MGR-3-HW_FAILURE_EVENT : HW failure event HW_EVENT_FAILURE, event_reason_str 'No Input or HW Power Failure' for card 0/PM1
0/RP0/ADMIN0:Jul 21 15:08:11.845 UTC: shelf_mgr[3160]: %INFRA-SHELF_MGR-3-HW_FAILURE_EVENT : HW failure event HW_EVENT_FAILURE, event_reason_str 'No Input or HW Power Failure' for card 0/PM1
0/RP0/ADMIN0:Jul 21 15:08:13.480 UTC: envmon[3128]: %PKT_INFRA-FM-3-FAULT_MAJOR : ALARM_MAJOR :Power Module Output Disabled (PM_OUTPUT_EN_PIN_HI) :DECLARE :0/PM1: Power module is under HW_OUTPUT_DISABLED condition.
0/RP0/ADMIN0:Jul 21 15:08:13.480 UTC: shelf_mgr[3160]: %INFRA-SHELF_MGR-3-HW_FAILURE_EVENT : HW failure event HW_EVENT_FAILURE, event_reason_str 'No Input or HW Power Failure' for card 0/PM1
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Jul 21 15:08:15.074 UTC: fpd-serv[260]: %PKT_INFRA-FM-3-FAULT_MAJOR : ALARM_MAJOR :FPD-NEED-UPGRADE :DECLARE :0/RP0:
0/RP0/ADMIN0:Jul 21 15:08:23.181 UTC: vm_manager[3190]: %INFRA-VM_MANAGER-4-INFO : Info: vm_manager started VM default-sdr--2

This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United
States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and
use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply third-party
authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption. Importers,
exporters, distributors and users are responsible for compliance with
U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you agree to comply
with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable to comply with
U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.

A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be
found at:

If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to
[email protected].

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Jul 21 15:09:10.443 UTC: ifmgr[123]: %PKT_INFRA-LINK-3-UPDOWN : Interface MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0, changed state to Down
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Jul 21 15:09:10.449 UTC: ifmgr[123]: %PKT_INFRA-LINK-3-UPDOWN : Interface MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0, changed state to Up
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Jul 21 15:09:10.520 UTC: ifmgr[123]: %PKT_INFRA-LINK-3-UPDOWN : Interface MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0, changed state to Down
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Jul 21 15:09:14.324 UTC: ifmgr[123]: %PKT_INFRA-LINK-3-UPDOWN : Interface MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0, changed state to Up
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Jul 21 15:09:32.590 UTC: fpd-serv[260]: %PKT_INFRA-FM-3-FAULT_MAJOR : ALARM_MAJOR :FPD-NEED-UPGRADE :DECLARE :0/RP0:

User Access Verification

Username: cisco

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5501-SE#show version
Thu Jul 21 15:09:43.131 UTC
Cisco IOS XR Software, Version 7.4.2
Copyright (c) 2013-2022 by Cisco Systems, Inc.

Build Information:
 Built By     : ingunawa
 Built On     : Wed Feb 16 03:23:21 PST 2022
 Built Host   : iox-ucs-067
 Workspace    : /auto/srcarchive15/prod/7.4.2/ncs5500/ws
 Version      : 7.4.2
 Location     : /opt/cisco/XR/packages/
 Label        : 7.4.2-v2

cisco NCS-5500 () processor
System uptime is 1 minute

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5501-SE#show install active summary
Thu Jul 21 15:09:46.030 UTC
Label : 7.4.2-v2

    Active Packages: 10
        ncs5500-xr-7.4.2 version=7.4.2 [Boot image]


使用 USB 安装 GISO 的过程

       Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2019 American Megatrends, Inc.
    Security  Cisco Boot Manager
│                                                    │                         │
│  List of Boot Options                              │                         │
│  UEFI: Micron_M600_MTFDDAT064MBF, Partition 4      │                         │
│  UEFI: Built-in iPXE                               │                         │
│  UEFI: Built-in Grub                               │                         │
│  UEFI: Built-in Shell                              │                         │
│  UEFI: SanDisk, Partition 1                        │                         │
│  P0: Micron_M600_MTFDDAT064MBF                     │                         │
│                                                    │                         │
│                                                    │─────────────────────────│
│                                                    │><: Select Screen        │
│                                                    │: Select Item          │
│                                                    │Enter: Select            │
│                                                    │+/-: Change Opt.         │
│                                                    │F1: General Help         │
│                                                    │ESC: Exit                │
│                                                    │                         │
│                                                    │                         │
│                                                    │                         │
        Version 2.18.1260. Copyright (C) 2019 American Megatrends, Inc.

Image Name = \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI

Image Size = 926750 Bytes

 ----------- Cisco Secure Boot: Begin ------------

 ----------- Cisco Secure Boot: Verifying --------
Certificate parsing success

Root Certificate found.
Successfully got public key from issuer cert

Image verified successfully. Booting..

 ----------- Cisco Secure Boot: End --------------

GNU GRUB version 2.00
Press F2 to goto grub Menu..
Booting from USB..
Loading Kernel..
Kernel Secure Boot Validation Result: PASSED
Loading initrd..
Initrd Secure Boot Validation Result: PASSED
[    0.668033] Allocating netns hash table
Expanding ISO image
 4126418 blocks
/iso/iosxrwbd-ddc.installer does not exist
Skip labeling of root when start with root on non-persistent storage
Starting udev
udevd[247]: unknown key 'RUN{builtin}' in /lib/udev/rules.d/64-btrfs-dm.rules:8

udevd[247]: invalid rule '/lib/udev/rules.d/64-btrfs-dm.rules:8'

Running postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/100-dnsmasq...
Running postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/101-nfs-utils-client...
Running postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/102-nfs-utils...
update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/run-postinsts exists during rc.d purge (continuing)
 Removing any system startup links for run-postinsts ...
Configuring network interfaces... done.
Starting system message bus: dbus.
Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd
  generating ssh RSA key...
  generating ssh ECDSA key...
  generating ssh DSA key...
  generating ssh ED25519 key...
sshd start/running, process 1309
Starting rpcbind daemon...done.
Starting random number generator daemon.
Starting system log daemon...0
Starting kernel log daemon...0
tftpd-hpa disabled in /etc/default/tftpd-hpa
Starting internet superserver: xinetd.
Starting S.M.A.R.T. daemon: smartd.
Mon Jul 25 13:01:34 UTC 2022: Detected /iso/host.iso
mount: /dev/loop0 is write-protected, mounting read-only
Mon Jul 25 13:01:34 UTC 2022: Mounted /iso/host.iso to /tmp/isomnt.hrlJuO
Mon Jul 25 13:01:34 UTC 2022: Found /tmp/isomnt.hrlJuO/rpm/ in host.iso
Mon Jul 25 13:01:34 UTC 2022: Installing /tmp/isomnt.hrlJuO/rpm/
warning: /tmp/isomnt.hrlJuO/rpm/ Header V4 RSA/SHA256 signature: NOKEY, key ID 5746bd08
Preparing packages for installation...
ls: cannot access /opt/cisco/hostos/etc/usb-install/cisco-instance/zermatt: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access /etc/dhcp/cisco-instance/zermatt: No such file or directory
Mon Jul 25 13:01:35 UTC 2022: Passing control to /etc/rc.d/init.d/ start
Logging started at Mon Jul 25 13:01:35 UTC 2022...
Mon Jul 25 13:01:36 UTC 2022: Sourcing /etc/init.d/ PI script
Mon Jul 25 13:01:36 UTC 2022: Sourcing /etc/init.d/ PI script
cmdline = BOOT_IMAGE=(loop)/boot/bzImage root=/dev/ram install=/dev/sda console=ttyS0,115200 prod=1 crashkernel=192M@0 bigphysarea=10M quiet pci=assign-busses noissu aer=off pci=hpmemsize=0M,hpiosize=0M giso_boot boot_mode=4
Mon Jul 25 13:01:36 UTC 2022: Preparing disk for PLATFORM=zermatt:
Mon Jul 25 13:01:36 UTC 2022: In collect_archive_interrupted_bake_logs function....
Mon Jul 25 13:01:36 UTC 2022: Debug partition exist and is getting mounted..
Mon Jul 25 13:01:36 UTC 2022: Debug partition mounted on /tmp/bakelog
Mon Jul 25 13:01:36 UTC 2022: Found 0 log files in debug partition
Mon Jul 25 13:01:36 UTC 2022: Previous bake was successful
Mon Jul 25 13:01:36 UTC 2022: Secondary disk is not present
Punching IOFPGA watchdog
Mon Jul 25 13:01:36 UTC 2022: Installer will install image on sda
Mon Jul 25 13:01:36 UTC 2022: Checking disks: sda
Mon Jul 25 13:01:36 UTC 2022: Primary disk /dev/sda health check failed
Mon Jul 25 13:01:37 UTC 2022: Removing old boot partition
Mon Jul 25 13:01:37 UTC 2022: Preparing debug partition zermatt
Logging started at Mon Jul 25 13:01:37 UTC 2022...
Mon Jul 25 13:01:37 UTC 2022: Removing old volumes
Mon Jul 25 13:01:37 UTC 2022: Inside Volume-Cleaning Function
Mon Jul 25 13:01:37 UTC 2022: Removed LVM /dev/panini_vol_grp/host_lv0 for Panini
Mon Jul 25 13:01:37 UTC 2022: Removed LVM /dev/panini_vol_grp/host_data_scratch_lv0 for Panini
Mon Jul 25 13:01:37 UTC 2022: Removed LVM /dev/panini_vol_grp/host_data_log_lv0 for Panini
Mon Jul 25 13:01:37 UTC 2022: Removed LVM /dev/panini_vol_grp/host_data_config_lv0 for Panini
Mon Jul 25 13:01:37 UTC 2022: Removed LVM /dev/panini_vol_grp/calvados_lv0 for Panini
Mon Jul 25 13:01:37 UTC 2022: Removed LVM /dev/panini_vol_grp/calvados_data_lv0 for Panini
Mon Jul 25 13:01:38 UTC 2022: Removed LVM /dev/panini_vol_grp/xr_lv0 for Panini
Mon Jul 25 13:01:38 UTC 2022: Removed LVM /dev/panini_vol_grp/xr_lcp_lv0 for Panini
Mon Jul 25 13:01:38 UTC 2022: Removed LVM /dev/app_vol_grp/app_lv0 for App-Host
Mon Jul 25 13:01:38 UTC 2022: Removed App-Vol Grp app_vol_grp
Mon Jul 25 13:01:38 UTC 2022: Removed Panini Vol-Grp panini_vol_grp
Mon Jul 25 13:01:39 UTC 2022: Removed PV
Mon Jul 25 13:01:39 UTC 2022: Exiting from the Volume Cleaning Section
Mon Jul 25 13:01:39 UTC 2022 (/etc/rc.d/init.d/ Golden ISO type = 1.1 and PKG_VER = 1.0
Mon Jul 25 13:01:39 UTC 2022 (/etc/rc.d/init.d/ Current Boot: USB
Mon Jul 25 13:01:39 UTC 2022 (/etc/rc.d/init.d/ USB path: /dev/sdb1
Mon Jul 25 13:02:49 UTC 2022: Going to copy GISO files...
Mon Jul 25 13:02:49 UTC 2022: Starting of copy_giso_files function
Mon Jul 25 13:02:55 UTC 2022: Ending of copy_giso_files function
Mon Jul 25 13:02:55 UTC 2022: Copied Golden ISO files...
Mon Jul 25 13:03:02 UTC 2022: Md5sum verification succeeded
Mon Jul 25 13:03:02 UTC 2022: ---Starting to prepare mb_disk---
Mon Jul 25 13:03:02 UTC 2022:
Mon Jul 25 13:03:02 UTC 2022: ---Starting to prepare sda---
Mon Jul 25 13:03:03 UTC 2022: /dev/sda disk size is 64023MB
Mon Jul 25 13:03:03 UTC 2022: Using remaining disk space 21109 MB for secondary disk functions
Mon Jul 25 13:03:03 UTC 2022: LVM size (31744 MB) DEBUG part size (10 MB)
Mon Jul 25 13:03:03 UTC 2022: Creating partitions, BOOT=900MB, LVM=31744MB, EFI=20MB
Mon Jul 25 13:03:03 UTC 2022: Created partition of size 21109 for use as secondary disk
Mon Jul 25 13:03:03 UTC 2022: Created Partition of size 4096 for use of App-Volume
Mon Jul 25 13:03:03 UTC 2022: Partition creation on /dev/sda took 1 seconds
Mon Jul 25 13:03:03 UTC 2022: File system creation on /dev/sda1 took 0 seconds
Mon Jul 25 13:03:03 UTC 2022: Partitioning PCI block device /dev/sda5
Mon Jul 25 13:03:03 UTC 2022: /dev/sda5 disk size is 21109MB
Mon Jul 25 13:03:04 UTC 2022: Final return val 0  ....
Mon Jul 25 13:03:04 UTC 2022: Retaining Volume Group pci_disk1
Mon Jul 25 13:03:04 UTC 2022: Install boot image on /dev/sda1
Mon Jul 25 13:03:20 UTC 2022: Starting Calvados patch for lxc for hostos
Mon Jul 25 13:03:20 UTC 2022: Uninstalling rpm gdb
Mon Jul 25 13:03:21 UTC 2022 (/etc/init.d/ ZERMATT: Patch host
Mon Jul 25 13:03:21 UTC 2022 (/etc/init.d/ ZERMATT: Patch host done
Enable selinux to relabel filesystem from initramfs
Checking SELinux security contexts:
 * First booting, filesystem will be relabeled...
Mon Jul 25 13:03:27 UTC 2022: Finished Calvados patch for lxc
Mon Jul 25 13:03:28 UTC 2022: Installing host image size of 498M took 24 seconds
Mon Jul 25 13:03:28 UTC 2022:
Mon Jul 25 13:03:28 UTC 2022: ---Starting to prepare host logical volume---
Mon Jul 25 13:03:28 UTC 2022 (/etc/rc.d/init.d/ Create app volume on sda
  Physical volume "/dev/sda6" successfully created
Mon Jul 25 13:03:44 UTC 2022 (/etc/rc.d/init.d/ card_value is 0x20171FD3
Mon Jul 25 13:03:44 UTC 2022 (/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ZERMATT: card_inst=TURIN-RP,TURIN-SYNC-RP card_type=RP
Mon Jul 25 13:03:46 UTC 2022: Starting Calvados patch for lxc for hostos
Mon Jul 25 13:03:47 UTC 2022: Uninstalling rpm gdb
Mon Jul 25 13:03:47 UTC 2022 (/etc/init.d/ ZERMATT: Patch host
Mon Jul 25 13:03:47 UTC 2022 (/etc/init.d/ ZERMATT: Patch host done
Enable selinux to relabel filesystem from initramfs
Checking SELinux security contexts:
 * First booting, filesystem will be relabeled...
Mon Jul 25 13:03:53 UTC 2022: Finished Calvados patch for lxc
Mon Jul 25 13:03:54 UTC 2022:
Mon Jul 25 13:03:54 UTC 2022: ---Starting to prepare calvados logical volume---
Mon Jul 25 13:03:54 UTC 2022: Create sub partition on /dev/panini_vol_grp/calvados_lv0
Mon Jul 25 13:03:55 UTC 2022: Create data sub partition on /dev/panini_vol_grp/calvados_data_lv0
Mon Jul 25 13:04:04 UTC 2022: File system creation on /dev/panini_vol_grp/calvados_lv0 took 10 seconds
Mon Jul 25 13:04:05 UTC 2022: Install sysadmin-vm image on /dev/panini_vol_grp/calvados_lv0
 Mon Jul 25 13:04:17 UTC 2022 (/etc/rc.d/init.d/ card_value is 0x20171FD3
Mon Jul 25 13:04:17 UTC 2022 (/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ZERMATT: card_inst=TURIN-RP,TURIN-SYNC-RP card_type=RP
Mon Jul 25 13:04:17 UTC 2022: sysadmin-vm: RP based installation
Mon Jul 25 13:05:15 UTC 2022: Starting Calvados patch for lxc for sysadmin-vm
Mon Jul 25 13:05:15 UTC 2022: Uninstalling rpm gdb
Mon Jul 25 13:05:15 UTC 2022: Uninstalling rpm smartmontools
Mon Jul 25 13:05:15 UTC 2022 (/etc/init.d/ ZERMATT: Patch calvados
Mon Jul 25 13:05:16 UTC 2022 (/etc/init.d/ Cleaning up LXC
Mon Jul 25 13:05:16 UTC 2022 (/etc/init.d/ ZERMATT: Patch calvados done
Enable selinux to relabel filesystem from initramfs
Checking SELinux security contexts:
 * First booting, filesystem will be relabeled...
Mon Jul 25 13:05:23 UTC 2022: Finished Calvados patch for lxc
Mon Jul 25 13:05:26 UTC 2022: Installing sysadmin-vm image size of 1.3G took 81 seconds
Mon Jul 25 13:05:28 UTC 2022: ---Starting to prepare repository---
Mon Jul 25 13:05:36 UTC 2022: File system creation on /dev/sda2 took 8 seconds
Mon Jul 25 13:05:38 UTC 2022 (/etc/rc.d/init.d/ Check for unwanted iso and remove if required.
Mon Jul 25 13:05:38 UTC 2022: Copying /iso/host.iso to repository /iso directory
Mon Jul 25 13:05:39 UTC 2022: Copying /iso/ncs5500-sysadmin.iso to repository /iso directory
Mon Jul 25 13:05:43 UTC 2022: Copy XR rpms to repository
Mon Jul 25 13:05:45 UTC 2022: Copy XR Config to repository
Mon Jul 25 13:05:45 UTC 2022: Copy giso_info.txt to repository
Mon Jul 25 13:05:45 UTC 2022: Copying /iso/ncs5500-xr.iso to repository /iso directory
Mon Jul 25 13:05:55 UTC 2022: Copying all ISOs to repository took 17 seconds
Mon Jul 25 13:05:55 UTC 2022: Install EFI on /dev/sda4
Zermatt/Turin: Hardware Revision:
Mon Jul 25 13:05:55 UTC 2022 (/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ZERMATT: Patch grub. card_index=27016
Mon Jul 25 13:05:55 UTC 2022: Install finished on sda
Resetting RP BIOS_BOOT_MODE register
Automatic rebooting system after installation ...
[  305.677968] Requesting IOFPGA for system-wide warm reset operation
[  305.6

Booting CISCO Route Processor Module
IOFPGA Information:
    Booted from         : Primary FPGA
    Revison             : 0x10019
    ID                  : 0x20171FD3
    Date                : 0x20190924
    Fab Revision        : 0x5
    Base Board Presence : 0x80000015

Board is : Turin CPU Board
Booting from Primary BIOS
BIOS secure boot verification results: PASS

BIOS version: 1.22.0
Selected Boot Option:
Version 2.18.1260. Copyright (C) 2019 American Megatrends, Inc.
BIOS Date: 11/02/2019 03:24:06 Ver: 1.22
Press <DEL> or <ESC> to enter setup.
Image Name = \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI

Image Size = 926750 Bytes

 ----------- Cisco Secure Boot: Begin ------------

 ----------- Cisco Secure Boot: Verifying --------
Certificate parsing success

Root Certificate found.
Successfully got public key from issuer cert

Image verified successfully. Booting..

 ----------- Cisco Secure Boot: End --------------

GNU GRUB version 2.00
Press F2 to goto grub Menu..
Booting from Disk..
Loading Kernel..
Kernel Secure Boot Validation Result: PASSED
Loading initrd..
Initrd Secure Boot Validation Result: PASSED
[    0.177604] Allocating netns hash table
Enable selinux to relabel filesystem from initramfs
Load IMA appraise policy: OK
Switching to new root and running init.
Sourcing /etc/sysconfig/udev
Starting udev: udevd[483]: unknown key 'RUN{builtin}' in /lib/udev/rules.d/64-btrfs-dm.rules:8

udevd[483]: invalid rule '/lib/udev/rules.d/64-btrfs-dm.rules:8'

[  OK  ]
Running postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/100-dnsmasq...
Running postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/101-nfs-utils-client...
Running postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/102-nfs-utils...
update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/run-postinsts exists during rc.d purge (continuing)
 Removing any system startup links for run-postinsts ...
Configuring network interfaces... done.
Starting system message bus: dbus.
Mon Jul 25 13:07:06 UTC 2022: in hostos !!!!!!!!!
/etc/rc3.d/S08check-flash: line 487: pd_is_hdd_partition_needed: command not found
UBI device number 3, total 144 LEBs (18855936 bytes, 18.0 MiB), available 0 LEBs (0 bytes), LEB size 130944 bytes (127.9 KiB)
Punching IOFPGA watchdog
UBI device number 5, total 32 LEBs (4190208 bytes, 4.0 MiB), available 0 LEBs (0 bytes), LEB size 130944 bytes (127.9 KiB)
Punching IOFPGA watchdog
Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd
  generating ssh RSA key...
  generating ssh ECDSA key...
  generating ssh DSA key...
  generating ssh ED25519 key...
sshd start/running, process 4086
Starting rpcbind daemon...done.
Starting kdump:[  OK  ]
Starting random number generator daemon.
Starting system log daemon...0
Starting kernel log daemon...0
tftpd-hpa disabled in /etc/default/tftpd-hpa
Starting internet superserver: xinetd.
Starting S.M.A.R.T. daemon: smartd .
Starting Lighttpd Web Server: lighttpd.
Starting libvirtd daemon: [  OK  ]
Starting crond: OK
Starting cgroup-init
Network ieobc_br defined from /etc/init/ieobc_br_network.xml

Network local_br defined from /etc/init/local_br_network.xml

Network xr_local_br defined from /etc/init/xr_local_br_network.xml

Network ieobc_br started

Network local_br started

Network xr_local_br started

mcelog start/running, process 6146
diskmon start/running, process 6149
Creating default host password file
initctl: Unknown instance: /dev/
Starting host access on TTY /dev/ttyS1
serial (/dev/ttyS1) start/running, process 6451

Connecting to 'default-sdr--1' console
 √ √ √ ²bootlogd: ioctl(/dev/pts/2, TIOCCONS): Device or resource busy
Running postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/100-dnsmasq...
Running postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/101-nfs-utils-client...
Running postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/102-nfs-utils...
update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/run-postinsts exists during rc.d purge (continuing)
 Removing any system startup links for run-postinsts ...
Configuring network interfaces... done.
Starting system message bus: dbus.
Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd
  generating ssh RSA key...
  generating ssh ECDSA key...
  generating ssh DSA key...
  generating ssh ED25519 key...
sshd start/running, process 2326
Starting rpcbind daemon...done.
Starting random number generator daemon.
Starting system log daemon...0
Starting kernel log daemon...0
tftpd-hpa disabled in /etc/default/tftpd-hpa
Starting internet superserver: xinetd.
Libvirt not initialized for container instance
Starting crond: OK
SIOCADDRT: File exists
osSignalTask: started

ios con0/RP0/CPU0 is now available

Press RETURN to get started.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Jul 25 13:12:46.164 UTC: fpd-serv[300]: %PKT_INFRA-FM-3-FAULT_MAJOR : ALARM_MAJOR :FPD-NEED-UPGRADE :DECLARE :0/RP0:
0/RP0/ADMIN0:Jul 25 13:12:51.060 UTC: inst_agent[3016]: %INFRA-INSTAGENT-4-XR_PART_PREP_IMG : SDR/XR image baking in progress
0/RP0/ADMIN0:Jul 25 13:13:39.276 UTC: inst_agent[3016]: %INFRA-INSTAGENT-4-XR_PART_PREP_RPM : SDR/XR additional RPM installation is in progress

This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United
States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and
use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply third-party
authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption. Importers,
exporters, distributors and users are responsible for compliance with
U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you agree to comply
with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable to comply with
U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.

A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be
found at:

If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to
[email protected].

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Jul 25 13:14:21.091 UTC: smartlicserver[244]: %LICENSE-SMART_LIC-3-EVAL_EXPIRED : Evaluation period expired
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Jul 25 13:14:21.094 UTC: smartlicserver[244]: %LICENSE-SMART_LIC-3-EVAL_EXPIRED : Evaluation period expired

0/RP0/ADMIN0:Jul 25 13:16:00.865 UTC: inst_agent[3016]: %INFRA-INSTAGENT-4-XR_PART_PREP_RESP : SDR/XR partition preparation completed successfully


  • NCS5501 PXE upgrade from 6.6.25 to 7.4.2 cost almost 20mins.
  • NCS55A2 install replaces upgrade from 7.1.2 to 7.4.2 cost almost 15mins.
  • NCS5501 USB upgrade to 742 cost almost 20mins
IOS-XR-Upgrade - This article is part of a series.
Part 2: This Article
